Seyfried's Dog Is More Famous Than She Is

When you're the pet of someone famous, life is probably pretty good. You get to take walks in the Hollywood Hills, eat as many treats as your heart desires, and, in a few cases, even become a celebrity in your own right. It's happened to Adam Sandler's pigs, Taylor Swift's cat, and, now, Amanda Seyfried's Australian Shepherd, Finn. The four-year-old dog has garnered a massive following on social media, thanks to Seyfried's habit of taking him everywhere she goes and posting photos of all his antics. In fact, Finn might even be getting more famous than his owner, with an impressive 12,000 Twitter followers and birthday posts on gossip websites. In a new interview with W Magazine, Finn comes off just as much of a star as Seyfried; his owner might be the one getting interviewed about A Million Ways to Die in the West, but it's Finn who commands the attention, and deservedly so. For those unfamiliar with Finn and his fame, here's a quick primer:
He's A Social Media Star
On his popular Twitter page, Finn posts words of wisdom like "use twitter for good, not evil" and "if you don't believe, you won't receive" (with the hashtag christmasfinnspiration, of course.) He writes about everything from his favorite celebrities ("Benedict Cumberbatch would be a great name for a dog") to his feelings on the Olympics ("I had a "miracle on ice" once. And that's all you need to know about that. #Sochi2014"), to followers that include Justin Long and Mae Whitman. But Finn's real social media stardom comes from his frequent appearances on Seyfried's Instagram, where photos of him taking naps, playing on the beach, and posing in silly hats get tens of thousands of likes within hours.
He Has an International Following
Apparently, Finn's fame has grown so huge that it's transcended the boundaries of Hollywood, and even North America completely. In the W interview, Seyfried says that when she flew to Korea recently, "there were people holding up pictures of Finn."
"People just learned how to pronounce my last name correctly," she continued, "but they all know everything about my dog.”
To be fair, Seyfried's has posted far more photos of her pet than tutorials of how to say her name. Still, it's a bit surprising that Finn is so popular overseas, seeing that Seyfried, while famous, is not a superstar. Perhaps the Koreans liked Mamma Mia! a lot more than the rest of us? Whatever the reason, one thing is clear: Finn's an international star.
He's Extremely Talented
Some dogs play dead. Others give high-fives. Finn Seyfried balances objects on his head. Seyfried has Instagrammed her dog gracefully balancing everything from blueberries to baby ducks, and last July, she brought Finn onto the Letterman show to prove his skills on live TV. With a hamburger placed gently on his head, Finn posed for the cameras, only dropping the food once the audience started clapping. Letterman seemed awed by the dog's abilities, but Seyfried just seemed annoyed he didn't believe Finn was capable of such self-control sooner.
Image: Instagram/Mingey; CBS