
Hillary Clinton's Chelsea Explosion Response

by Emily Shire

On Saturday night, an explosion in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood injured dozens of people. Shortly after the blast and before New York City officials spoke about it, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump declared before a rally in Colorado that "a bomb went off in New York and no-one knows exactly what's going on." Trump also added "We better get very tough, folks." Perhaps unsurprisingly, his Democratic counterpart, Hillary Clinton, responded to the Chelsea explosion in a more measured way.

"We have to let this investigation unfold... I'll have more to say about it when we actually know the facts," Clinton said when asked about the explosion, noting she was in touch with the New York City mayor's office.

Clinton later added in response to another question about the explosion, "It's important to know the facts about any incident like this. That's why it's so critical to support the first responders, the investigators, who are looking into it, trying to determine what did happen. I think it is always wiser to wait until you have information before making conclusions."

As many have noted, Clinton and Trump did both refer to the Chelsea explosion as a "bomb" or "bombing," even though New York City officials have not yet referred to it as such.

During a press conference on Saturday night, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said there was no evidence the explosion was linked to terrorism but did call it an "intentional action."