
Pippa Middleton and Other Celebs Who've Sued Normal People for No Reason

Pippa Middleton has discovered her wildly popular Twitter parody account, Pippatips, and she is not pleased. In an attempt to cease distribution of the book When One is Expecting: A Posh Person’s Guide to Pregnancy and Parenting, which is based on the handle, Pippa is suing the authors. We're not exactly sure what she's hoping to get out of this one, seeing as she already has enough money for 12 luxurious lifetimes. Plus, the only publicity to gain here is tons of new followers for Pippatips. But making ridiculous legal claims appears to be a celebrity trend, so maybe she's just trying to make some famous friends? Read on to see some of her potential commiserators.

by Rachel Reid

Pippa Just Can't Take a Joke

Pippa Middleton has discovered her wildly popular Twitter parody account, Pippatips, and she is not pleased. In an attempt to cease distribution of the book When One is Expecting: A Posh Person’s Guide to Pregnancy and Parenting, which is based on the handle, Pippa is suing the authors. We're not exactly sure what she's hoping to get out of this one, seeing as she already has enough money for 12 luxurious lifetimes. Plus, the only publicity to gain here is tons of new followers for Pippatips. But making ridiculous legal claims appears to be a celebrity trend, so maybe she's just trying to make some famous friends? Read on to see some of her potential commiserators.

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Kim Kardashian vs. Old Navy

Back in 2010, Kim saw her ex-boyfriend Reggie Bush's new girlfriend, Melissa Molinaro, starring in an Old Navy campaign, and chose to sue the brand for $20 million, because Molinaro looked too much like her. Shouldn't she just be questioning Bush's taste instead?

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Lindsay Lohan vs. E-Trade

E-trade produced a commercial featuring a baby named "Lindsay" who was a "milk-a-holic" about three years ago, and Lindsay Lohan sued them for $100 million because anyone named Lindsay who's addicted to anything is a LiLo wannabe.

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ScarJo vs. a French Novelist

Novelist Grégoire Delacourt is currently being sued by Scarlett Johansson for name-dropping her in his book, The First Thing We See /em>. A character in the book is confused for Johansson for a moment in the story, and the author says he chose to compare her to ScarJo because "she is the epitome of beauty today." Ryan Gosling and Gene Hackman have apparently also been named in Delacourt's works, and somehow made it through without financial compensation.

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