Here's What You Can Sell On Facebook Marketplace

On Monday, Facebook launched Marketplace, a platform for buying and selling stuff within your community via the Facebook app. So what can you sell on Facebook Marketplace? Probably most of the stuff in your apartment, so you may want to take a good, long look around your space to see which of your rarely-used items you can trade for cash.
When you go on Marketplace, you’ll see that the market is divided into a number of categories, including “Electronics,” “Household,” and “Apparel.” You can sell pretty much whatever you’d like to get rid of or replace. Moving to a new apartment? Sell the stuff that isn’t going to fit in your new place. Upgrading your old TV? Sell it and put the cash toward a fancy new one. Other things to consider putting up for sale: The bike that you bought in a fit of optimism that you have only used three times in six years. Your boom box that has both a CD player and a tape deck (You can list it as “vintage”). Your complete autographed set of Twilight novels. All of those clothes you wore in high school in the ‘90s that will now make some trendy 19-year-old very happy. The beige sofa that you’re dying to exchange for a purple velvet chaise lounge, so that you can swoon upon it like the gently-bred 19th-century maiden you are. The possibilities are endless.
Once you’ve identified what you want to sell, posting your item on Marketplace is pretty simple: Open your Facebook app and tap on the shop icon on the bottom of the screen to open Marketplace. Next, tap on the camera icon in the upper left-hand corner and take a photo of your item or select one from your camera roll. You’ll be prompted to write a description of the item and give it a name and a price. You’ll give your location, pick a category (“Household,” “Apparel,” etc.), and voilà! You’ve got an item for sale. Interested buyers can then message you to work out payment and pick up or delivery. (FYI, Facebook does not handle the payment/delivery side of things.)
Marketplace will be rolling out for all Facebook App users over the age of 18 in the United States, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand in the next few days. Desktop users and users in other countries will be getting the feature in the next few months.
Images: sanjeri/E+/Getty Images; Images courtesy of Facebook.