Trump Interjected Nearly 40 (!) Times This Debate
The third and final presidential debate certainly delivered on the craziness voters expected after watching two previous debates between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Most of the outrageous moments went to Trump, as he delivered interesting lines like "bad hombres," referring to Clinton as a "nasty woman," and refusing to tell voters if he would concede to Clinton should she win the general election. Not only that, but the last debate was notable for Trump's lack of control. A chart from FiveThirtyEight shows Trump interjected nearly 40 times during the final debate, which is more than he did during the first two debates.
The site differentiates interruptions from interjections by determining if the candidate was able to gain control of the conversation because of the interjection. If one of them simply talked over the other, it was marked as an interjection. According to the chart, Trump interjected nearly 40 times. During the previous debates, he interjected roughly 25 times the first and an estimated 20 times during the second. According to the chart, Clinton interjected fewer than 10 times each debate. This is extremely telling in the amount of control each candidate possesses.
It was hard to ignore Trump's protests of "excuse me, my turn" while Clinton tried to get out her answers. And it's infuriating to realize that he needed to interrupt so often and was incapable of waiting his turn to speak.
While various outlets offer differ tallies of how many times the candidates interjected during the debates, it's very clear that Trump way outdid Clinton. Time's account put Trump's interruptions at 55 during the first debate, while Clinton had only 11. Then, in the second debate, Time reported Trump's interruptions decreased significantly, clocking in at 15, and Clinton's at only five.
Trump's interruptions are a pure testament to his unwillingness to let others talk and need to commandeer any conversation. It's a frightening sign for someone who has proclaimed of his great temperament, and scary to think that should he be elected, he would employ said temperament when negotiating with foreign leaders under sensitive conditions.
Throughout the presidential debates, both candidates have shown their true colors, and it turns out that Trump's true self is an impatient complainer who can only point fingers at others and refuses to accept responsibility for anything that he's done to hurt others. Hopefully voters will recognize these traits in him and vote to keep him out of the highest office.