
Troian Bellisario Makes A Plea To Undecided Voters

by Allyson Koerner

The 2016 election is one celebrities have been extremely outspoken about and rightfully so. A slew of famous faces refuse to be silent and feel it is important for their voices to be heard, especially when it comes to convincing others why they should vote. That long list includes this Pretty Little Liars' star Troian Bellisario who made a plea to undecided voters about why not only is it important for them to exercise their right to vote, but also why they should vote for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Her Instagram post is quite lengthy, but definitely worth a read. It is a powerful one and raises a lot of important questions. She begins by saying, "My fellow Americans. I know we are tired of talking about it. I know that many of us who have made our decision are steadfast in their choice. But for those of you undecided voters." The 31-year-old actor continues, "For those of you who are disappointed in these two candidates. For those of you who think it's okay to not participate in this election because you feel that the reality show of American democracy has shot itself in the foot and is slowly limping towards a shallow grave. I ask you: what kind of America you want to live in?"

Bellisario then goes onto ask some questions she deems important and will hopefully guide others to vote for who she believes will make the best president of the United States. She writes,

Do you want to live in a country that doesn't tell women what to do with their own bodies? An America that is working to protect its environment, find solutions for cleaner energy and to support the plans set forth at the Paris Convention to preserve our planet for the generation of our children and our children's children. Do you want to live in an America that celebrates African American communities for their incredible achievements, their values, and their hard work rather than describing them as dangerous hell holes that have no hope of protecting themselves. What about working towards America that has the right to bear arms but takes that right as a serious responsibility compete with thorough background checks and safety measures in place to make sure that the citizen on citizen gun violence in our country begins to decline rather than continue to rise rapidly.

Pretty strong stuff, right? Well, that's not where Bellisario stopped asking her followers and fans questions, because she also poses, "An American were [sic] #blacklivesmatter and are protected equally to any other race in this country. An america were [sic] police are respected protectors who are vitally connected to their communities not afraid of them. An America that opens its doors to refugees and immigrants as it has always said it would do (since that is woven into the fabric of the foundation of our country)."

Of course, Bellisario also made a solid closing argument, which is just so Spencer Hastings of her, isn't it?

To me. That's the America I see in the years ahead. To me. The best way to achieve that future America is to elect @hillaryclinton to be our first female president. I have made my choice. Please. Make yours. Whatever America you see for the future. Vote for it. Don't let us color in the future for you.

No matter who you may or may not be supporting in the 2016 election, follow in Bellisario's footsteps and vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8.