11 Glorious Burger Recipes for your Springtime Spread
There are some days when we dream of delicate, springtime things — like adorable picnic baskets, gorgeous greens, and small, edible treats on sticks.
This is not one of those days.
As much as we love tiramisu in tiny glasses, we’re in dire need of a stick-to-your-ribs burger fix. But make no mistake: we don’t mean any old patty — this week, we’re talking two-handed, 10-napkin creations of glory. From your classic cheeseburger to a killer lamb biryani, we rounded up the heartiest, crave-worthy recipes to get you through the season and back.
Make It Double
Let’s kick off burger season right with a cheeseburger — double, that is. Plus bacon. Oh yeah. Thanks, Crepes of Wrath!
Image: Crepes of Wrath
Mini Me
And on the opposite end of the spectrum, I Am a Food Blog serves up tasty sliders with an elegant touch of arugula and mozzarella. They’re super cute and tiny, which means you can eat, like, five, right?
Image: I Am a Food Blog
First Class
Want a taste of the good life? Take a cue from Adventures in Cooking and dress up your burger with red wine, goat cheese, and caramelized onions. Girl, you fancy.
Image: Adventures in Cooking
Fish in the Sea
Lighten up your burger tradition with Half Baked Harvest’s BBQ salmon, topped with tart caramelized pineapple.
Image: Half Baked Harvest
Go Nuts
Veggie friends, step away from the frozen patty. Love and Lemons has a hearty walnut miso burger that’s perfect for herbivores (and everyone else!).
Image: Love and Lemons
Turning Japanese
While we’re already in the Land of the Rising Sun for inspiration, take a cue from okonomiyaki, a savory pancake typically topped with Kewpie mayo and bonito flakes. I Am a Food Blog takes those bright flavors and puts them on a genius, East-meets-West burger.
The Qui-Note
Quinoa is usually the good grain — it leads a healthy lifestyle and doesn’t get mixed in with the wrong crowd. But tonight, quinoa’s gone wild in a crispy burger topped with sweet potato fries. It feels so good to be bad…Thanks, Half Baked Harvest!
Image: Half Baked Harvest
Gobble, Gobble
When it comes to burgers, turkey doesn’t get nearly as much love as it deserves. But before you write it off, we hope this rich, tomato and basil-stuffed recipe from A Better Happier St. Sebastian can get you to change your mind.
Image: A Better Happier St. Sebastian
Beet Generation
With a vivid color and even brighter taste, these beet and feta burgers from Green Kitchen Stories are a winning recipe.
Image: Green Kitchen Stories
Hot Potato
This is one veggie burger we can all get behind. Smoky and spicy, the sweet potato patty gets a kick from cumin and paprika over at How Sweet Eats.
Image: How Sweet Eats
Lamb Burger of God
Yes, this is lamb biryani. On a burger. With rice buns. We’re not sure how Pepper made this happen, but it is the stuff of our dreams.
image: Pepper