
For the Exhibitionist In You...

by Viet VoPham

As a kid, I remember joyfully playing outside and getting so mucky that my dad had to hose me down before I entered the house so I wouldn't track dirt inside. Now I can replicate that feeling with the Viteo outdoor shower, a portable invention that takes your morning bathing ritual into the open air. I know it sounds kind of weird, but wouldn't the exhibitionist part of you want to take a shower in your backyard?

According to Viteo's website, the Viteo Shower was produced by designer Danny Venlet and offers users a "unique, sensual shower experience, like a burst of gentle summer rain." The shower cleverly hooks up to any outdoor hose, and once you step on the floor plate, it becomes activated and water starts gushing out from the bottom.

Some of their promotional photos (which are included below) are fairly artistic, in my opinion. They're all shot outdoors, some amid beautiful landscapes, and if this is what life with a Viteo looks like then I'm pretty much sold. How's that for effective marketing?

You can watch the promotional video below. I might have chuckled a few times, maybe because of the slow romantic music...Plus, the girl in the video is enjoying that shower way too much.

Images: Viteo