7 Clothes You Didn't Know You Needed For College

It’s that time of year again when all the stores are covered in back to school essentials. From binders and notebooks, to dorm bedding and posters, anything and everything you could possibly need for each level of schooling is on full display, reminding us that summer is quickly coming to an end. Plus, if you're an incoming college freshman, your summer is probably coming to a close even sooner, as you move into your new dorm room before anyone else on campus. Boo.
Now, of course, you still need those basic school supplies you needed in high school, but for college there is so much more to add to your BTS check list. After all, you're literally moving away from home and into (probably) your first quasi-apartment. I can guarantee that calls for a lot more decorating than the inside of your locker. I still can’t believe around this time four years ago I was shopping for everything I was sure I needed for my first year at Rutgers University. Of course, I packed a few things that ended up collecting dust in my closet (I'll admit I packed way too many shoes), but there were a whole lot more essentials I didn't even think about that ended up being a crucial omission from my college wardrobe.
So, to save you from my own mistakes, here’s your guide to all the clothes you don’t think you’ll need for college but you actually really, truly do. Get ready to be the most envied chick on campus. Happy shopping!
1. A White T Shirt
A plain white t shirt may be one of the most basic style staples you own, so you're probably already throwing one in your suitcase. However, you may want to buy a few extra because you'll want to wear them to highlighter/blacklight parties, where they'll get instantly ruined by frat boys writing all over them. My note to you: Take a trip to Target when you can buy a whole pack for around $10.
Hanes White Tee 4 Pack, $12, Amazon
2. A Body Con Dress
Did I only wear baggy and loose fitting clothing during my teenage years? Of course not, but my wardrobe contained more jeans, tops, flowy dresses, and, sadly, denim skirts...usually paired with UGG boots. But attending college parties you'll quickly realize that most of the girls will be wearing tight body con dresses and skirts. These are you're "going out" clothes, because you can get them for so damn cheap it doesn't matter how much gross Jungle Juice gets spilled on them. If you're on the fence about wearing skintight clothes revamp the look by layering a sweatshirt over the dress or throw on a denim vest or jacket. You can even take a page out of Kylie Jenner's book and rock a flannel tied around your waist.
Volcom Body Con Dress, $20, Amazon
3. Some Comfortable Heels and Wedges
Unless you attend Rosewood High (I'm lookin' at you, Hanna Marin), high heels were probably not part of your pre-college daily dress code. If you don't have heels already, then you definitely need them now. I emphasize the word comfortable here because you will most likely be doing a great deal of walking in said shoes. My freshman dorm was on a different campus than we would go out on and in order to get to the bus stop we would walk through a ginormous field.
Steve Madden Wedges, $80, Amazon
4. Something Patriotic
You may not think that a pair of American flag printed denim shorts are a necessary in any wardrobe — but trust me. During your time at school there will most likely be some sort of patriotic themed party you will attend. And if you don't you can still be trendy and America-loving just because.
USA Shorts, $20, Amazon
5. Multiple Halloween Costumes. Like, 5
Of course it makes sense that you would need a Halloween costume for school, but you'll quickly learn that most schools celebrate Halloween for an entire weekend. That means you need three different costumes, at least. Sure you can wear the same costume three nights in a row, but you heard it here first: You will be the only one.
6. A Formal Dress
No, you aren't going to a prom and your school may not have any type of traditional, dressy dance. However, fraternities and sororities have formals and you may unexpectedly get invited to attend one, even if you don't join Greek life yourself. You may want to buy a new dress for the occasion, but if there's no time it's nice to have one on hand. Plus, I'm sure there's plenty of dresses hanging in your closet that you wore once to a homecoming in high school that no one at your new school has ever seen.
7. Cute Pajamas
I completely understand if your definition of pjs includes a baggy t shirt and boy short underwear. That's completely fine, but just a friendly reminder there are going to be a ton of people seeing you in your pajamas. You will most likely be living in a freshman dorm where you'll be sharing common areas and a bathroom, as well as be partaking in RA bonding activities. Unless you want to change out of your pajamas every time you need to walk down the hall to the toilet or water fountain, pack a couple cute looks that you won't mind others seeing.
Polka Dot PJ Set, $30, Amazon