
Horay, Zady's Launching Their Own Line

by Erin Mayer

Anti-fast fashion e-tailer Zady is celebrating the one-year anniversary of its launch by announcing a private label called The Zady Collection. In keeping with the brand's ideology, the collection will begin with a single item: a women's sweater, available just in time for the 2014 holiday season. The rest of the wares will roll out one-by-one, mirroring Zady's "slow fashion" ethos.

"We are aiming to provide our customers with the essential knit sweater they will cherish for a lifetime,” said Zady co-founder Maxine Bédat in a press release, "We are excited to have our hands in the entire process, from farm to closet. Getting to this level of detail takes time, resources, and finding and supporting a community of suppliers that will be proud of this new level of transparency that we are bringing to market. Once we have our sweater mastered, we plan to expand the line to focus on other timeless pieces made from the best natural materials.”

The sweater — and all Zady Collection items to follow, presumably — is entirely American-made, with wool sourced from the Imperial Stock Ranch in Shaniko, Oregon and treated in Jamestown, SC. From there the wool will make its way to Pennsylvania to be dyed at G.J. Littlewood & Sons. Production of the garment will take place in Southern California. Zady is a company that prides itself on transparency, which is exactly what makes the brand stand out among a sea of Forever 21-type places that leave their cheap manufacturing a mystery to the consumer.

Similar to Blake Lively's Preserve (but better executed, IMO), Zady is a curated website that features lifestyle goods ranging from men's and women's fashion to housewares alongside hipster-y editorials on topics like "Cuff 101: History of an Iconic Accent." But the real purpose of Zady is to get customers thinking about the benefits of slow fashion and of purchasing American-made goods. Sounds like this sweater is a perfect addition to any socially conscious holiday wish list.

Images: Zady