Smart, Sleek iPhone 6 Covers For Gamers

Getting a new smartphone is always a big investment. And while there's a lot to love about being onboard Apple's technology wagon, there are some drawbacks, too — you sure as hell aren't gonna roll around with no protective case on that pricey phone, right? Right. And covers can often be expensive, ugly, or in the very worst of situations, both. That being so, maybe a few suggestions are in order: How about some game-inspired iPhone 6 cases, to give your sparkling new phone that personalized touch?
Slapping a custom case on your iPhone has long been a fun, simple way to set yourself apart from the other throngs of Apple junkies — after all, it took years for Apple to even roll out different color options, forcing users to settle either for a black or white model if they weren't willing to suit it up. Nowadays, however, with the third-party and indie iPhone case industry in full-swing, you've got tons of options — and some of those options will make your eyes light up, if you're a video game fan.
Here's a handful of the slickest options on offer, courtesy of the creative types over at Society6.
Hey There, That iPhone's a Gameboy!
There's never a bad time to go retro. The classic Gameboy handheld console remains one of the best-selling video game systems of all time, and it's easy to see why — eschewing a bright screen and battery-draining color graphics in favor of a paired-down, fun-focused experience, the Gameboy was the device that truly launched the Tetris epidemic in the late 1980s, spreading the iconic puzzle game to all reaches of the globe.
Roll With Samus, the Galaxy's Greatest Bounty Hunter
You won't do much better than this crisp, detailed art design on this Metroid-inspired iPhone case, featuring the series' iconic hero, Samus Aran. One of the first truly series-carrying female protagonists in early video game history, Samus has undergone a lot of changes over the years — her design has become slightly more sexualized in recent entries, as they're increasingly dragged her out of her Varia Suit, the gleaming armor she dons in combat — but her classic, in-armor look is as sharp today as it's ever been.
The top half of the image is Samus' helmet, while the bottom is a Metroid larva, the titular alien life form central to the series.
Like a Portal to a Different World
This iPhone 6 case is simple, clean, and beautiful, and it also happens to be in honor of one of the video gaming world's greatest female heroes, from one of its best puzzle games — the Portal series, starring the wordless, inimitable Chell. Imprisoned for years in a prison-like testing facility, Chell is forced to think her way out with the help of a two-way portal gun, which opens up orange and blue tinged portals to pass through — just like the eyes on the case, see? Whether you buy this case or not, you should really play Portal. Like, now.
The Mark of a Princess Unleashed
It's probably obvious now that I'm a sucker for minimalist designs. Any fans of The Legend of Zelda out there? Safe money says yes — the epic adventure series is one of Nintendo's flagship properties, and has spawned over a dozen games, beloved by nearly all who pick them up. There is, of course, just one niggling issue that you may be aware of — why doesn't Zelda get to lead the show now and then? Her name is right there in the title, after all.
Well, on a few occasion, she actually has gotten to get in the action, if only for a little while — the above symbol is that of Zelda's secret-identity alter-ego Sheik, who helps Link through his quest in the series' first 3D entry, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. She's basically a badass super-ninja! And at the very least you'll be decentass pseudo-ninja, once you've got this case.
Images: Liam Nicholson/society6; Sixtybones/society6; octokill/society6; Tira/society6, YouTube/Ken Dai