
Target Manager's Hilarious Speech on Black Friday

by Kat George

This Target manager has clearly been watching a lot of Game of Thrones, or Braveheart, or Lord of the Rings/Hobbit-ish stuff, because he's got his inspirational speeches down. Standing atop a check out desk, this Target manager gave employees a rousing pep talk on Black Friday before the doors were opened. Adding a dose of much needed hilarity to a day that is taken far too seriously, he gave a stirring, call-to-arms style speech to rally his fellow Target staffers against the throngs of eager shoppers waiting outside. And he even put on what I'm guessing is supposed to be a British accent, in the style of all great, moving war speeches in film. Because as we all know, everything sounds better in British. That's basically scientific fact.


"They're standing out there. Any moment now those doors will be breached. Whatever comes through those gates, you will stand your ground. With a smile on your face! They come here with bargains in their heads and fire in their eyes. And we will give those bargains to them!"

He becomes more and more convincing with each word, his deep voice growing louder and more passionate before ending with a very 300-esque, passionate war cry, "This is Target!" There's nothing really David Brent about it; this guy just seems like a super cool boss, albeit maybe one that does live action cosplay on the weekends. Watch below, and wish all work places were run the same way.

Image: YouTube