How to Get Through the Duck Boot Shortage

There’s a crisis happening in Maine. In case you missed it, L.L. Bean is running out of duck boots and has racked up a pretty big waiting list — one with over 100,000 people, to be exact. Why are they out, you may ask? It might be from the cold weather. Or, hipsters and fashion bloggers have taken over the world and bought every single pair! Either way, will you have a pair this under the Christmas tree? Probably not. Sorry.
Before the shortage actually happened, I was debating between whether or not I wanted a pair. On one hand, they seem so comfortable and warm! On the other hand, do I really need another pair of winter boots? Looks like I don’t really have a choice in a matter. Thank you, L.L. Bean, for reading my mind and controlling my impulse buying.
So, what do we do? Hey, it’s not that bad! Honestly, there are plenty of other options out there (kind of sounds like a break up, right?) to get through the winter. Here are five other boots to buy to feed your duck boot addiction. And — even better — these picks actually tailored to your taste and personality! So chin up, and start shopping.
1. For A Preppy Touch
Hey, if you're a fan of Sperry's preppy boat shoes, you might as well get a pair of their duck boots. Plus, look at that inner lining. SO warm! SO cozy.
2. Chic Duck Boots? It's Possible
If you're going out dancing this winter, you might as well wear functional (kind of?) shoes.
3. If Warmth Is A Priority
Last year's Polar Vortex didn't mess around. Better keep those toes warm.
4. To Survive The Winter
They're waterproof and have a rubber traction, so you won't be the one who falls on the ice.
5. For The Hipsters
And, finally, for the people who have been hit the hardest by the shortage. Don't worry, your feet will still match you PBR lifestyle.
Images: Spencer Platt/Getty Images; Courtesy of Brand