
Go Follow @Madeleine Albright On Twitter Right Now

by Lane Florsheim

Former Secretary of State, current Georgetown professor, and quadrilingual speaker Madeleine Albright joined Twitter, tweeting out for the first time Monday morning.

In addition to serving as Leslie Knope's eternal hero, Albright, who was nominated under Bill Clinton and unanimously confirmed by a 99-0 U.S. Senate vote, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Obama in May 2012 and also currently serves as a director on the board of the Council on Foreign Relations. Add to the list of accomplishments: an already glorious Twitter account.

Here's why Albright's Twitter is already better than most all other things in the Twitterverse:

  1. Her first (and so far only tweet) is a shout-out to her fellow female Secretaries of State. #girlpower
  2. She opted for the Hillary approach to the Twitter bio. Albright's bio reads, "Grateful American Czech immigrant, mother & grandmother, fmr SecState, passionate democrat, author, prof, bizwoman, pin collector, & occasional drummer." We love you, Condoleezza, which means we want to know about your weird hobbies and affinities when we look you up on social media.
  3. Two words: That. Broach.
  4. The Clinton family comprises three of the first five accounts Albright followed. No big deal, I'm totally family friends with them too.
  5. Speaking of which, there's also this:

Isn't Twitter the best for allowing us a little glimpse into the exchanges between two of the most powerful women in the world?