
It's Official: There's a Cumber-Baby in the Oven!

It's official! There's a cumber-baby in the oven! That's right, Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter are pregnant, the Sherlock star's rep confirmed to MailOnline on Wednesday. It sounds like the soon-to-be-wed couple are extremely excited for their addition, and I have no doubt it will be one loved child. As Cumberbatch's spokesperson told the publication:

I am delighted to confirm that Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter are expecting their first child. They are both over the moon.

Late Tuesday, it was first speculated that Cumberbatch and his fiancée Hunter were preggers and couldn't be more thrilled with their addition. It was even reported that the two just might move up their wedding day, but no word on if that's true or not.

Whatever the case, I'm thrilled for them both. Being in love and having a child are two wonderful things in this world, so I wish them all the happiness. Plus, can you imagine when we finally get to see a mini-Cumberbatch toddling around wearing a mini-Sherlock hat? Yep, it will be the most adorable thing in the world, other than when we actually get to see Cumberbatch holding his child. *swoon*

What can we take away from all of this? That Cumberbatch will make one adorable dad and that he better use one of these amazing baby names.