
This New Way to Cuff Jeans Will Change Your Life

by Erin Mayer

As a certified Super Shorty (5'0" on a tall day), I'm no stranger to the challenge of finding jeans that are the right length. While I've managed to identify some tried-and-true stores that carry pants so petite they don't require hemming (lookin' at you, LOFT), I definitely find it necessary to have a few crafty cuffing techniques up my sleeve (or leg??). Thanks to Refinery29, I can add "cuffing jeans at the knee" to my arsenal.

"But won't that be lumpy and weird looking?" you're probably thinking. That was my first instinct as well, but boy did Connie Wang show me! In the short clip, she demonstrates how to cleverly fold the fabric of your jeans under where they naturally wrinkle at the knee for a more natural way to shorten the hem. It only really works for dark colored denim, but it sure beats shelling out cash at the tailor every time you pick up a pair of ever so slightly too long skinnies at Urban Outfitters or wherever the kids are buying jeans these days.

This is so simple that I'm a little embarrassed that I never thought of it on my own.

Head on over to Refinery29 to watch the full video and adopt this trick for yourself.

Images: Refinery29