17 Graphic T-Shirts That Will Express Your Every Sentiment
Many people will argue that what you wear expresses how you feel on a day-to-day basis. But what if what you wear could also [literally] say exactly how you feel, so that you don’t have to say anything at all? Thus is the genius of graphic t-shirts.
The variety of graphic tees available today really facilitates the whole "silence is golden" thing. Whether you’d rather sleep than do work, get grumpy when you haven’t eaten in a while, or have a bad habit of constantly saying “hashtag” out loud, there’s a design for everyone. Because of their basic format (everyone loves t-shirts) and how relatable the graphics actually are (usually great conversation starters, too), graphic tees are effortlessly chic and funny. And even though they aren’t the classiest, most artistic pieces of clothing in our closets, they have an uncanny ability to dress down some of your favorite wardrobe items with some quirk and personality.
It’s almost impossible to escape graphic t-shirts these days. They are everywhere, all the time. An unsurprising fact when you consider that they can express our thoughts even more clearly than we may be able to ourselves (sometimes, anyway). So here are 17 graphic t-shirts that are guaranteed to make you laugh out loud.
Just Being Honest
There’s a reason why you’re consistently late to those tedious meetings and that (occasional yet) dreadful dentist visit: Because you simply just don’t want to be there. This tee sums up the sentiment pretty well.
Sorry Graphic Muscle Tee, $15,
But I Was Hungry
Because everyone knows that what you say when you’re hungry doesn’t actually mean anything. Why explain it when you can just wear this shirt?
I’m Sorry For What I Said When I Was Hungry, $28,
Cat? Or boyfriend?
Whether you have a boyfriend or not, this t-shirt shows where your priorities lie: Cats. Perfect for cat lovers, why bother with boys when your cat will inevitably love you no matter what? This shirt knows what it’s talking about. I Have A Boyfriend. Oh Wait, That’s A Cat. That’s A Cat, $26,
There’s no better sarcastic response to a request you’re not excited about. “Sure” perfectly describes that response, and so does this shirt.
BDG Sure Raglan Tee, $39,
Pizza Vs. Sleep
Perfect for that morning when you’re too lazy to actually make breakfast and that old pizza from the other night just looks too delicious to pass up. No need to explain, this shirt knows how you feel.
A Pizza My Mind Tee, $30,
Because a witty pun on words is always successful on a graphic t-shirt. Anna Wintour would certainly approve.
BLQ Basiq Graphic Tee, $77,
For all those conversations during which you pretended like you were invested, but didn’t have the courage to admit you really didn’t care.
Shhhhh No One Cares, $28,
On Wednesdays We Wear Graphic T-Shirts
What’s a graphic tee slideshow without at least one Mean Girls reference? This shirt not only highlights one of the best parts of the movie but also guarantees a chuckle for anyone who is a fan.
BLQ Basiq You Can’t Sit With Us Tee, $52,
Shirt Happens
Not all graphic tees are designer. But when they are, they tell it like it is. This shirt knows how to keep things realistic because, frankly, shirt happens.
Moschino Graphic T-Shirt, $295,
Woke Up Like This
Unless you would wear this shirt to sleep, you probably didn’t wake up in it. That being said, it’s a classic lyric shirt you know Queen Bey would surely approve of.
I Woke Up Like This Tee, $40,
Perfect tucked into jeans or even paired with yoga pants for a workout, this tee reinforces the fact that girls sweat, and that when they do, they sparkle.
Recycled Karma ‘I Don’t Sweat’ Graphic Tee, $22,
I'm Bossy
For all the girl bosses, this shirt clarifies exactly how you do things. You are the boss of yourself, and no one (not even this t-shirt) can call you bossy.
Milly I’m Not Bossy Graphic T-Shirt, $90,
Mimosas In The Morning
What sounds better than waking up to a mimosa? This shirts knows how crucial drinks are to starting the day off on the right foot.
Mornings Are For Mimosas Graphic Tee, $29,
Early Bird
Because honestly, who is a morning person? This tee will explain the miserable look on your face to the Barista serving you your morning coffee.
I Am Not A Morning Person T-Shirt, $26,
Boring Wardrobe Solution
What to wear when you have nothing to wear? Your “Nothing To Wear” t-shirt, of course! This shirt perfectly cures your sartorial woes when you have the feeling that all your clothes are uninspiring.
New Look Inspire Nothing To Wear Turn Back Tee, $15,
I'll Wear What I Want
For those days when you know exactly what you want to wear and don’t care what anyone thinks, here is a t-shirt that confirms that fact.
Wearing It Anyway Graphic Tee, $15,
Do It
Not everyone can appreciate your carefree attitude, but this tee certainly can. Let everyone know you support their decisions by rocking this look.
T-Shirt With Printed Design, $10,