
How To Make An Exfoliating Chia Seed Face Mask

by Kristin Collins Jackson

DIY exfoliates tend to be incredibly easy to make, cheap, and effective — which means I often use them to the point of overkill. Whenever I find a new exfoliating recipe that I love, I end up exfoliating at least once a day which can strip my face, body, and scalp of much needed moisture along with the dead skin cells. Most exfoliates focus on removing dirt and grime and tend to skimp us on the much needed moisture we need for protection. That's where an exfoliating chia seed face mask comes in. These tiny black seeds are filled with nutrients that can effectively remove oil buildup without leaving your skin suffering from water loss. In fact, the oil from chia seeds is making its way into some pricy skin couture products — some are even claiming that chia seed oil is the best stuff on the market.

That's quite a claim, especially when there are already some pretty powerful natural healers out there. Of course, eating chia seeds will help us maintain a healthy bod, face, and scalp, but the more I found tiny chia seed facial serums priced at $75, the more I wanted to launch a full investigation to see just how good chia seeds can make hair and skin feel.

Chia seeds should be especially beneficial for hair, since they contain two important elements for hair growth: zinc and copper. Lack of copper has been linked to hair thinning and hair loss, but you definitely don't want to go around licking copper pipes or anything though because your body only needs a tiny amount. Introduce chia seeds into your diet, whoever, and you may find yourself with faster growing hair. Plus, according to sources at Progressive Health, a healthy amount of zinc can contribute to new hair growth as well. The amounts in chia seeds are perfect to apply directly on your scalp, plus all the antioxidants, iron, and B-complex they contain should get your locks feeling pretty happy.

Don't use all those chia seeds on your hair though! if you've got particularly dry skin, you'll definitely want some left over to balance dryness and sensitivity. All those nutrients that give your hair an extra boost are great to maintain moisture and according to sources at Livestrong, chia seeds contain selenium which limits cell damage from free radicals while helping your body absorb vitamin E.

If you love tossing chia seeds on your salads, then you'll love adding the seeds of this desert plant to your beauty regimen. Here are a few ways you can use chia seeds for DIY beauty recipes.

Chia Hair Gel

If you've tried homemade flaxseed hair gel before then you are going to love chia seed hair gel. This is perfect for anyone with looser curls looking for a little extra hold and an excellent gel for styling braids. Mix one cup of filtered water and four cups of chia seeds, then let the mixture sit overnight. The next day, heat it all up in a saucepan on medium heat for about 10 minutes and strain the chia seeds out. Finally, add a tablespoon of aloe vera to your chia seed oil and mix vigorously with a whisk or a blender. Add a few drops of lavender oil to give your gel a nice scent and apply to damp locks.

Chia Exfoliating Mask

As it turns out, I'm not the only one smearing chia seeds on my body, Dr. Oz has a great recipe for a DIY exfoliating scrub with chia seeds that is highly moisturizing on dull, dry skin. Use two teaspoons of chia seeds, half a cup of coconut oil, and one teaspoon of lemon juice and mix well. I like to add a few drops of bergamont and a drop of vitamin E for skin that is particularly dry. Let your mask set for a few minutes, then use a damp, lukewarm washcloth to remove using circular motions (this will gently exfoliate). This mask isn't just great for your face — any random dry patches on your body will reap the benefits as well.

Image: supercat67/Fotolia; Health Gauge, Larry Jacobsen, Stacy Spensley/Flickr; Giphy