
Books For When You Move Back In With Your Parents

by Dina Gachman

You did it. You moved away from home, created a life for yourself (sort of), and escaped the agonizing torture of living with your folks. But then real life comes a-knockin' and you realize that rent isn't cheap, jobs are tough to land, and you can save a whole pile of money if you crawl back home for a finite amount of time. It’s not a horrible plan, but it’s also not as uplifting as moving into your own penthouse apartment. You, friend, are moving back in with your parents.

A lot of us head back home after fleeing the coop because we need to save a buck, and because having zero rent, free laundry, and home-cooked meals sounds pretty wise. If you’ve lived on your own for a while, going back to the folks can be a shock to your system. There’s always someone commenting on your dirty dishes, telling you to pick up your towels, and grilling you about your life choices and “your plan.”

If part of that plan does involve moving back home for a little bit, you may experience the five stages of grief that happen when something sad, humiliating, and stressful occurs in life — like moving back home. In an effort to ease the pain, here are five books you can read to help you move through each stage a little easier.


Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

You are not moving back home. You have advanced up the corporate ladder at a rapid-fire pace and you’re on your way to greatness. You’re an independent businesswoman who is kicking serious ass. Lean In will light a fire under you, which is much needed when you’re in denial about your situation.

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Mommy Dearest by Christina Crawford

Reality hits, and you realize that you are, in fact, not Sheryl Sandberg. What happened to your life? This blows. You have a strong desire to scream, punch a pillow, and curse the universe. Read Mommy Dearest because a campy, ridiculous tell-all about Joan Crawford yelling about wire hangers will help you realize that even though moving home blows, your mom probably isn’t that bad.


I'm Not Mad, I Just Hate You!: A New Understanding of Mother-Daughter Conflict by Roni Cohen-Sandler and Michelle Silver

It’s time to make a pact with yourself: If you live at home for a few months you will save up and work hard so you can get out as soon as humanly possible. You will read I’m Not Mad, I Just Hate You so you’ll stop reverting to your pissed off, hormonal teenage self and telling your mom you hate her because she moved your hairdryer.

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Are You There, Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea by Chelsea Handler

There’s nothing like a hilarious book to pull you out of a funk. Handler’s parents and siblings are insane (or at least she makes them seem that way all in the name of comedy). Handler wanted to escape her family so bad she told everyone at school her mom was Goldie Hawn.

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The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan

Ohm. You are OK. This situation is OK. You are moving back home but it’ll all work out. Parents are wonderful and The Joy Luck Club will remind you to appreciate them and not look at them as your mortal enemies. You’ll get through this, with their help.

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If you’re heading home to move back in with your parents and feel yourself experiencing denial, anger, bargaining, and depression on your way to acceptance, pick up a book and accept your fate. There are worse things in life than moving back in with your parents, although sometimes it doesn’t seem that way.

Image: JamesDavies/flickr