This Is The Hottest Porn For Women

Before we begin, let’s get this out of the way: women watch porn. But aside from just consuming porn, modern feminism praises porn a lot more than it used to, voicing support for sex workers and illuminating the role that porn plays in sexual empowerment. So what about those who want to watch but don’t know where to find female-friendly porn?
The exact statistics on women watching porn are tough to curate, largely because the number of women who aren’t ashamed of their porn-watching habits is pretty low. Here’s the part where we thank the patriarchy, heteronormativity and male-dominated everything for that little factoid. Like most things, the majority of porn is created by and for the male-gaze. Porn sites can be intimidating, especially when you’re bombarded by images that are specifically chosen for a straight, cis-gendered, white, males and you’re *gasp* NOT that.
In an effort to make your curiosity less of an exhausting journey and more of a fabulous one, I took it upon myself to ask the women in my life about their porn-preferences. You might see something you like. (And before you read on, be sure to check out Bustle’s new podcast, I Want It That Way, which delves into the dirtiest parts of dating, and find more on our Soundcloud page.)
1. Sarah, 31
“[I’m into] strictly girl on girl stuff (which I will call that [because] it was inherently made by men through the male gaze and not what i would call gay). I started to realize that I was really looking for was queer folks having queer sex, which sites like Crash Pad are good for.”
2. Symone, 22
"We Love Good Sex!"
3. Annie, 25
Oddly enough, I never really felt the need or desire to watch porn unless I was in a relationship. Alone, the imagination does wonders, but being in love somehow limits my ability to fantasize. When I do watch porn I enjoy Gay porn or femdom BDSM. I like scenes that reflect power play and vulnerability. I recommend if you are curious about BDSM, because the actors give commentary about what they liked and didn't like about the experiences at the end of each clip.
4. Taylor, 23
“I tend to watch videos tagged "romantic," just because they're less physically/verbally violent, not because they're meant to be targeted towards women. But sometimes I'm in the mood for some faux-misandry shit with dominatrixes because watching women be in full control of their sex and sexuality and environment is a turn on — and those fake casting couch videos where the woman is the one behind the desk, are hot for the same reason above. I make a rule that I don't watch anything with "bitch," "slut," "whore," "dirty," or "nasty" in the title. Because having/wanting/watching sex should not be a degrading experience (if one doesn't want it to be), because there's nothing wrong or "dirty" about wanting/having sex.”
5. Alex, 33
“There’s soft-core stuff that I like, because it’s less violent. Sometimes it’s just a tumblr page like Dicks For Girls, sites like Bright Desire, sometimes it’s sexy photos.”
6. Jamie, 30
"I like threesomes where the women take charge. I also like videos that focus on oral sex on women, makes for a nice fantasy of that partner that goes down forever or reminders of experiences I enjoy in real time. I like that most of the websites you can scroll on the image and it will give you a preview of the video in little stills. That way if you're new and still finding stuff you like you can get a hint without having to watch the whole thing."
7. Mary, 25
“There was a time when I was consuming a lot of free porn via x tube. Exclusively gay cis male porn though. I thought this was the only queer sex I could access online and I've always thought gay sex was really hot. But as I began to be more critical of myself and what I was seeing it became clear that I had access to these images (in themselves problematic, racist, ableist, colonial) due to my position as a first world, white privileged person. So now I don't watch porn. And I have made a promise to myself not to watch it unless: 1. I am paying for it 2. The performers are queer and gender non conforming 3. I feel that the site has a policy of radical consent and pays its actors well. However on my budget that mostly means I don't watch porn. I would if I could and want to in the future but don't right now.”
8. Elena, 27
“I do watch porn. I have to do it on the grad school budget, which means I can pretty much watch whatever whenever. But as to what type. M/f or f/f, 90 percent of the time with only two people. I gravitate toward outdoor porn but not necessarily public voyeurism. I don't like encountering stuff where violence or non-consent are even part of the fantasy, and I don't watch m/m porn really. That's interesting now that I've said it. My other big preference besides outdoor porn is that the people look like real people. My only "type" is not too Stepford Wifey, and that goes for all genders.”
9. Sara, 21
“I like threesomes with two men. Seeing two women pretend to throw themselves at a dude feels stupid, but seeing two men throw themselves at a woman is rad.”
Images: Fotolia; Corie Howell/Flickr; Tumblr (3), Getty Images
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