
This Is The Most Ridiculous Taylor Swift Rumor Yet

by Kenya Foy

In the most ridiculous rumors you'll hear all week news: According to Hollywood Life, a huge pop star is encouraging Fifth Harmony singer Camila Cabello to swipe it left — on her group members, that is. Supposedly, Taylor Swift wants Camila Cabello to leave Fifth Harmony. I know, right? And hold off on giving this story the side-eye, because it gets even more suspicious: Apparently, Swift's not trying to talk her fellow pop star into just pulling a Zayn Malik by bidding farewell to the band — instead, rumor has it that Swift thinks Cabello should pursue a solo career.

I wouldn’t dare suggest that Swifties and Harmonizers aren’t adept at detecting the underhanded behind-the-scenes handiwork of haters from a million miles away, so surely they'll agree with me when I say that this has to be one of the most unconvincing rumors ever for a number of reasons. I mean, wasn't it just last month that Swift partied at Cabello's 18th birthday shindig? That's because friends don't leave friends hanging solo on their birthdays, and they also don’t go around sneakily devising ways to break up girl groups — especially when one of the friends is Taylor Swift, who seems to be endlessly supportive of all her friends.

That said, this alleged bid to break up Fifth Harmony sounds super fishy. Here are 6 reasons Swift would never come between the group:

T. Swift Is Way Too Supportive of Her Friends

Time and time again, Swift has gone above and beyond for her friends — not down low and dirty like this rumor suggests.

She's Always the Life of the Party

I'm pretty sure she didn't get that way by being shady — quite the contrary, in fact. She's consistently proved that she's one of the sweetest stars in Hollywood.

Swift Doesn't Care For Drama

I mean, that's literally the entire premise of "Shake It Off."

Her Friendship With Cabello Means She's a Huge Harmonizer Herself

Creating friction within the group would not please her fellow Harmonizers — and it's clear Swift is a huge fan of the group.

She's Into Empowering Women

In other words, she knows women can think for themselves, so she'd probably leave such a huge decision up to Cabello.

Fifth Harmony's Just Getting Started

Why would Swift want to stand in the way of their success? I have no doubts when I say that Taylor Swift clearly knows there's room for everyone to shine.Images: Giphy (6)