If you had to make a list of the worst things about porn, what would you put on it? My own list would probably be pretty lengthy — so it's perhaps unsurprising that Reddit's is several thousand items long. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today's AskReddit thread: “What do you HATE about porn?”
Redditor Squeeebz posted the question to AskReddit this morning, and since then, it's reached epic proportions. To give you an idea of how many grievances people have about porn, the thread had about 2,700 comments when I started writing this post about 40 minutes ago… and has now surpassed 3,500. Apparently we're not all mindlessly consuming our porn; we're actually paying careful attention to it and trying to get off to stuff that we actually find hot.
Don't get me wrong — porn can be an awful lot of fun. But it can also be pretty awful, and in light of this particular thread, I can't help but wonder if mainstream porn isn't serving most of our interests these days. Maybe it's time we look elsewhere — these female-friendly porn sites, for example. Or maybe it's time for a shakeup in the mainstream porn world. Who knows?
What I do know, though, is this: These are definitely 15 of the worst things about porn. Anyone got anything to add?
1. Music
Agreed. There is no good porn music. All music is bad music when it's providing background noise for porn.
2. Poorly Timed Edits
This is obviously just one example (although there are obviously exceptions, Reddit tends to be full of straight males), but there are plenty of analogs for each and every preference. Take your pick.
3. Bad SEO
How the heck are you supposed to find what you want with such awful search optimization?
4. The Comments Section
Wait — people actually read the comments sections on porn videos? This is actually a thing? Am I the only person that just doesn't bother with it?
5. Fake Moans
Nothing takes you out of the moment like bad acting.
6. Lack of Context
I actually don't mind a lack of plot, but to each his or her own. I can see how plotless porn might be a mood killer.
7. This:
Add that one to the list of unrealistic lessons porn teaches us about sex.
8. Falseness
But hey, at least there's a solution to that one:
9. Lack of Variety
10. “Lesbian Porn” That's Clearly Some Straight Dude's Fantasy Of Lesbian Sex (Which Bears No Resemblance to Actual Lesbian Sex)
Especially if it involves frighteningly long fingernails:
Are anyone else's ladybits shrinking in sympathy?
11. Bad Math
I mean, I know it's about fantasy… but the fantasy is kind of hard to roll with when stuff like this breaks through the fourth wall.
12. Lack of Foreplay
For reals. The windup is as important as the pitch, no matter who's doing the winding.
13. Ease of Access
There's something to be said for clandestine porn retrieval, isn't there?
14. Objectification
It's worth noting that men are frequently objectified in porn, too, albeit in a different way. But yeah — this one is one of my biggest complaints about mainstream porn. Sex isn't fun if everybody isn't having fun, and the same goes for porn.
15. Uh… This?
...I can't say that's ever been a problem for me, but now I'm kind of curious. Anyone have the link to that video?
Images: Janine/Flickr; Giphy (4)