News Anchor's Boyfriend Proposes To Her On The Air

I work from home, so if my boyfriend ever wanted to turn up to my workplace and propose to me, it would be decidedly unromantic. I'd probably be in my sweats, unshowered, bent like a wretched hag over my laptop and covered in cookie crumbs. That obviously wasn't the case when this CBS news anchor's boyfriend proposed to her on air. Minnesota news anchor Ashley Roberts' boyfriend, Justin McCray, turned up and proposed to her at work, which was recorded live. Ashley looked fabulous (like she hadn't been sitting in a cloud of her own farts all day) and was generally looking beautiful and happy while recording a segment about wedding costs when her boyfriend appeared and popped the question. (Sidebar: Why are men always "popping" the question. Why can't they just ask it?)
In the middle of talking about rings and wedding fashion, one of Roberts' co-anchors invites a "fashion expert" onto the stage, and the smug, knowing smiles of all three co-anchors will make you as giddy as they are, because you know what's coming too. Roberts registers absolute shock as her boyfriend appears in a white suit, and as soon as she realizes what's going on gets so excited and high pitched she registers at dog whistle levels of shrill.
It is so freaking adorable, I want to vomit. Especially because her co-anchors are in the background all tearing up as well.
As cute as this is, it's actually not the first time a news anchor has gotten engaged on the air. Here are some other (also adorable) on air proposals:
1. Andrea Robinson was proposed to on air, also while shooting a wedding segment (warning: this one will make you cry FOR SURE):
2. Jillian Pavlica unwittingly read her own marriage proposal from the teleprompter:
3. Presenter Emily Leonnard was proposed to by her weatherman boyfriend live on air:
4. Jennifer Hudspeth who didn't realize she was anchoring a story about high school romance that would end in her own proposal:
5. Angie Harmon, who is not a news anchor, but must be included because Law & Order, was proposed to on the Jay Leno show:
Image: YouTube