Ohio School Censors Teen's "Feminist" Shirt

In today's News That'll Make Your Blood Boil, an Ohio middle school censored a female student's t-shirt in a class photo. Did it feature images of naked people, curse words, or a tirade of obscenities? Nope. There was only one, single word that the school deemed so offensive, they had it erased from the altogether: Feminist. Yup, the school censored an eight grader's "Feminist" t-shirt. The world really sucks sometimes.
Buzzfeed and Women You Should Know were the first to report on the girl-power scandal at Clermont Northeastern Middle School, which began when a student named Sophie received her class photo and couldn't help but notice that something was a little, well, off. The "Feminist" tee Sophie had worn on picture day had been (badly) Photoshopped into a plain black shirt.
When confronted about the incident by Buzzfeed reporters, the school's superintendent, Ralph Shell, insisted that the girl's parents were contacted and agreed to have the shirt censored. Sophie and her mother, Christine, are telling quite a different story, however. They claim that neither ever agreed to the Photoshop job, and the school has been calling the tee "offensive" and "unflattering" and censored it to avoid controversy. Bustle has reached out to Clermont Northeaster Middle School for comment and will update if they respond.
The school has reportedly apologized for their Photoshop hack job, but Sophie isn't done with her fight for feminism. Her and her friends have began a social media campaign, tweeting pictures of themselves roaming their school halls in girl-power tees, with the hashtags #KeepFeminismInSchools and #IDeserveFreedomofExpression. Yes, this fourteen-year-old is my new hero and there's nothing wrong with that.
If you share my intense rage that a school is against one of their students being proud of what she believes in and would apparently just rather her go bake a cake in Home Ec, why not support Sophie's mission with these other feminist tees? Wear 'em, post 'em, and throw up a middle finger to misogyny.
Feminism is the Radical Notion...
Feminist Apparel, $29.95
Mermaids Against Misogyny
Feminist Apparel, $29.95
Redbubble, $22.40
Girls Just Wanna Have...
RedBubble, $23.77
Impale the Patriarchy
Look Human, $29
Cats Against Catcalls
Look Human, $35
Hercules Feminism
Look Human, $29
A Woman's Place...
Skreened, $21.24
She Wants the D-
Skreened, $22.09