
About That Marriage to Tom Cruise & Scientology

by Tanya Ghahremani

This is pretty ballsy, you have to admit. Despite the fact that Scientologists are part of a terrifying cult that seem the type able to make a person disappear for speaking ill of them, Nicole Kidman has spoken out about her marriage to Tom Cruise in a new interview with Vanity Fair. Don't hold your breath, guys — we're never getting Katie Holmes' statement. This is as good as it gets.

"I was so young," Kidman commented to Vanity Fair of the marriage, which began when she was just 23 years old. "And you know, with no disrespect to what I had with Tom, I’ve met my great love now. And I really did not know if that was going to happen. I wanted it, but I didn’t want it for a while, because I didn’t want to jump from one relationship to another. I had a lot of time alone, which was really, really good, because I was a child, really, when I got married. And I needed to grow up."

Kidman and Cruise were married between 1990 and 2001, during which time they shared a lot of red carpet photo ops that showcased their hilarious height difference. Kidman commented that she was portraying Virginia Woolf in The Hours at the time of the split, and shooting Virginia's suicide scene in the River Ouse when she came to a conclusion: "Walking into the river with those stones in my pockets — I chose life. At the time, I was at a low point, and by playing her, it put me into a place of appreciating life."

She also comments that the only people who would be able to understand the sort of dynamic their relationship had was Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. This is highly doubtful because Brad Pitt is not a robot who believes in a religion created by a sci-fi writer who more or less admitted on his death bed that it was all a scam but OK! "There is something about that sort of existence that, if you really focus on each other and you’re in that bubble, it’s very intoxicating, because it’s just the two of you. And there is only one other person that’s going through it. So it brings you very close, and it’s deeply romantic," Kidman said. "I’m sure Brad and Angelina have that — because there’s nobody else that understands it except that person who’s sleeping right next to you."

Kidman is now married to Keith Urban, and has been since 2006. He recently admitted that they sext each other, so, you know, get it girl.