
Check Out Rainbow Rowell's 'Carry On' Cover!

by Caitlin White

Fangirl fans can prepare to go full-throttle fangirling, because Rainbow Rowell just released the cover of her new Fangirl spin-off novel Carry On . And it's just as amazing as you've imagined it to be. Because Rowell must love her fans, and because we are super lucky, Rowell's latest book marks not only her return to young adult literature, but to the world she created in Fangirl. Specifically, Carry On will essentially be the character Cath's fanfiction adaption of her favorite Simon Snow fantasy series that she was writing in the original novel. Talk about meta.

And yes, fans: It will be a love story between Simon and Baz. (Cue jumping up and down.) In Fangirl, the Simon Snow series is what Harry Potter is to the real world. And Cath is beyond in love, spending her time creating new Simon Snow adventures via her fanfiction with her sister, mostly dedicated to the love story between Simon and Baz. Finally, now we'll get to see that all come to fruition. Here's the official description, full of love and ghosts and magic:

Simon Snow just wants to relax and savor his last year at the Watford School of Magicks, but no one will let him. His girlfriend broke up with him, his best friend is a pest, and his mentor keeps trying to hide him away in the mountains where maybe he’ll be safe. Simon can’t even enjoy the fact that his roommate and longtime nemesis is missing, because he can’t stop worrying about the evil git. Plus there are ghosts. And vampires. And actual evil things trying to shut Simon down. When you’re the most powerful magician the world has ever known, you never get to relax and savor anything.

And no, I won't make you wait any longer for the cover:

Rowell told her publisher St. Martin's Press what she thought about the cover design:

When I first saw this cover, all I could say was, ‘Ohhhhh…’ It completely surprised me, even though it was everything I was telling my publisher I wanted. This book is a little darker, and rougher, than my other books. Tense. I wanted a cover that made me feel a little nervous. Also, I liked that even though this cover isn’t obviously romantic, there’s a really strong NOW KISS vibe.

Carry On will hit shelves October 6, but you can get a preview this month in a special edition of Fangirl, to be published with an excerpt as well as a Q&A with Rowell and fan art.

Image: Rainbow Rowell/Facebook