Couples Watch Porn Together For The First Time

Porn is something that can stir up quite a few feelings in any romantic or sexual relationship. Should it be off limits if you're monogamous? Does it make you prudish if you don't like it? Are you only supposed to watch it together? It can unwittingly cause a lot of strife and divisions between couples, or it might not be a big deal at all. This BuzzFeed Video shows the reactions of different couples watching porn together for the first time, and it's both hilarious and eye-opening.
The truth of the matter is, different things work for different couples, and there's no hard set rules for watching porn or how you should feel about it. If you've never seen it before and the idea of it freaks you out, that's totally OK. You're not stuck up or prudish if you have a certain comfort level that you like to stay within. And if you like it? Hopefully whatever you're watching isn't rampantly sexist and wasn't produced under exploitative conditions, but that's okay, too.
Some people are uncomfortable with their partner watching porn while they're in a monogamous relationship. While that's an understandable sentiment, it's definitely a subject that warrants an upfront and honest conversation and potential compromise. Porn isn't a bad thing. In fact, it can actually be good for you and lead to healthier, stronger relationships. It might even be something that you and your partner want to explore together.
Or, could be something that you and your partner keep completely separate from your intimate life. Regardless of how you choose to approach porn in your relationship, as long as you and your partner are comfortable you've most likely made the right decision. You do you, boo boo!
Images: YouTube(2)