17 Glamour Shots That Every Girl In The '90s Took

While it's no secret that glamour photography is making a comeback in a great, beautiful, empowering way, we would be remiss if we didn't admit to still having a soft spot for the glamour shots of the '80s and '90s. From the fashion flashbacks, to the teased hair and soft lighting, looking back at these gems never fails to make us smile (or giggle). Thus, to pay tribute to glamour shots of old, in all of their glory, I've compiled a list of glamour shots that every girl who lived through those decades will remember fondly — because she more than likely has one of herself.
Whether you were just a kid at the time, or a woman living her glamour dreams, you're bound to enjoy these fun and feisty shots I've collected from social media. It seems these days that everyone has a reason to wax nostalgic over their past glamour glory, and it's been a pretty big trend for a while now to share your personal experience with boas, leather jackets, and big hair. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to reminisce while remembering the 17 glamour shots that every girl in the '80s and '90s most definitely took.
1. The Collar Grab
Because nothing looks cooler than popping your collar. Nothing.
2. The Awkward Mom Shot
It's not that you were awkward, or necessarily that your mom was either, but the combination of boas and overalls just made everyone feel a little out of place.
3. Sisters, Sisters...
Is it just me, or do these two look strikingly similar to DJ and Stephanie Tanner from Full House? Wait... are they DJ and Stephanie Tanner from Full House? Either way, adorable!
4. Bedazzled Beauty
You know, just a couple of friends, hangin' out, bedazzling hats for our glamour shots — and looking fabulous doing it!
5. The Cowgirl Nod
Whether you lived down south, or your mom was just really into cowboy style, you've probably rocked a similar look — even if it was just for fun.
6. Fluffy Flirtation
Girl, you are all sorts of glamorous with that fluffy wrap and teased out hair. Get it!
7. The Sequin Classic
A girl's love for all things sparkly should never be underestimated. Some people mock it, but I say, shine on, honey. Haters just wanna hate.
8. The Denim Darling
This is one of the greats. It's right up there with the collar grab. We loved our denim, be it lace-embellished, bedazzled, or splatter-painted with neon paint.
9. Off The Shoulder
Whoa there, fancy lady! Is that shoulder I see? Must be a '90s glamour shot. Or, maybe you're just a woman who recognizes that she needn't be defined by her neckline.
10. The Hyper Hair Light
Back lighting and hair lighting are pretty standard in photography, but '90s glamour shots took hair lighting to the next level. Or maybe that's just an optical illusion caused by a mass of teased hair.
11. Garden Inspired Shots
Cause if you can't put a flower on it, it probably isn't worth your time anyway.
12. Pet Proud
One of the best ways to show your love and appreciation for your furry friend(s) is to share a glamour shot session with them. Or to Photoshop them into your own glamour shot. Your choice.
13. Boas, Baby!
I don't think I need to say anything about boas. They speak for themselves.
14. Perfectly Pensive
This pose is '90s glamour's answer to Rodin's classic bronze sculpture, The Thinker.
15. Earring Centric
We loved our dangles in the '80s and '90s. And nothing says bling quite like over-sized heart earrings.
16. The Neck Rub
Although this pose was aimed at making us look casual and flirty, in hindsight, it seems to imply that we went through a dark period of collective intense neck pain. It must have been from the hair. Which brings me to Glamour Shot Number 17...
17. Big Hair, Big Nails
You really can't get any more classic '80s glamour than this. #aquanet
Images: petithiboux/Flickr; rbrinkerhoff, soshannadeyette, jujujerni, crystal_linae, lovelylevity, rualie, kimerskine, ryshanley, jenny_reitz, amandargoodman, amesterdam, hotmessgoddess220, renuchowdhury, mseverythinguwannabe, ih77, jennifer_turman, laceylouphx/Instagram