It wouldn't be The Bachelorette if one of the contestants wasn't on there trying to find love. (Read: trying to get their music career started.) In all fairness, Brady from Nashville might genuinely be looking for both. After all, in his ABC bio, he has a pretty sweet definition of what it means to be married. ("To share your life and heart with another human.") But so far, his biggest defining quality is that he's a musician with a big thing for Coldplay. So where can you find Bachelorette contestant Brady's music? Fortunately for you, he's giving away his EP for free.
The 33-year-old is a self-described indie singer/songwriter whose biggest influences are Coldplay, The Lone Bellow, David Ramirez, according to his Bachelorette bio. The person he admires most in the world is Coldplay singer Chris Martin "for his creativity, humility, charisma, and wit."
With his love of indie music, it's no surprise that Brady's own music sounds similar. The musician labels himself in the Christian and Gospel category and has already produced an album and a half. You can find his self-titled album Brady Toops in the iTunes store. Plus, he's kindly allowed his new EP called A Little Love to be downloaded for free on noisetrade.com. It features five songs including this one, "What If All You Need Is Love."
Will Brady serenade Britt and Kaitlyn when he steps out of the limo? Probably. Will he win one of their hearts? Maybe. But one thing's for sure, if he makes it to the singing/songwriting group date, Brady will knock it out of the park.
Image: Craig Sjodin/ABC