Where To Get Your Hillary Clinton T-Shirt

So, we've known for a while now that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is officially running for president in 2016 — and at this moment, she's just one of two Democratic candidates in the race. If you're not on Team Bernie Sanders, the Independent, socialist-minded senator from Vermont who's running as a Democrat, then maybe you're wondering how you can show off your HRC support (unless, of course, you're still holding out for Sen. Elizabeth Warren or Vice President Joe Biden). And, what's a better way to flash your voting preferences than rocking a Hillary Clinton campaign T-shirt?
Unfortunately, Clinton campaign T-shirts are hard to come by at the moment. The Ready For Hillary super PAC opened an online, all-things-2016 store two years ago to support Clinton's campaign, but shut down its operation shortly after Clinton's formal announcement. Clinton's official campaign website has yet to set up an online store for your one-stop shop for election-season swag.
But! All is not hopeless! There are a few online places where you can order your Hillary Clinton T-shirt. Of course, proceeds won't go directly toward the Clinton 2016 campaign, so if you would like to monetarily support Clinton, you would need to make a donation on her official website.
Here's a few places where you can get the best Hillary Clinton 2016 swag...
Look Human
Hillary 2016 T-Shirt, $21, Look Human
The company responsible for those famous Notorious R.B.G shirts is selling a slew of Hillary Clinton 2016 shirts — including a Notorious H.R.C. T-Shirt. Although that nickname doesn't have the same ring to it as Notorious R.B.G., it's still a cheeky homage to Ms. Clinton. Look Human also has several other unique designs for Clinton's 2016 presidential run.
Hillary For President T-Shirt, $21, Look Human
LA Supply
LA Supply Hillary Clinton for President T-Shirt, $15, Amazon
LA Supply has several fierce Clinton 2016 T-shirts available for purchase at its Amazon store. The store is even selling one in support of Bill as the "First Husband," because, well, why not?
LA Supply Bill Clinton for First Husband T-Shirt, $15, Amazon
Dozens of shops on everyone's favorite crafty website, Etsy, are selling one-of-a-kind Hillary Clinton T-shirts to get you in the 2016 spirit. The designs range from the simple, "Hillary Clinton 2016" to "Keep Calm and Vote Hillary" and "You Need to Vote for a Woman President."
Images: Look Human (3), LA Supply (2), Redeyeclothing, BurntThreadz, Veganese Tees