Death metal is up there in terms of my least favorite music genre of all time. It's tied with Kidz Bop and coffee shop jazz for music than makes me cringe. People have a vendetta against musicals, others hate country music, so I feel OK throwing a little shade at death metal. Can you blame me for not enjoying getting screamed at? This trend of women singing death metal adds another layer. And while I commend their talent, and fully acknowledge that I will never be that talented, I'm probably not going to buy tickets to a death metal show anytime soon.
Rachel Aspe is a death metal singer from France with a remarkable following. And while her music may not be up my alley, I'm all kinds of obsessed with her ombre purple hair. (See? There really is something for everyone when it comes to death metal. That's the moral here, maybe.)
Anyway, she's singing "Emma" by Sybreed, a death metal band from Switzerland, in this video. And she's impressively hitting all the low notes. There's something to be said for the element of surprise, because when she walks out on stage, she looks like she could be preparing to sing a Joni Mitchell cover for American Idol Season 9 (RIP, American Idol). But she's not.
See for yourself:
She's not the only one carrying this genre of female artists covering death metal. Apparently it's a thing, and Rachel Aspe is just the beginning. Here are 4 other talented ladies who sing death metal and will both terrify and impress you:
1. Ashley Groff on America's Got Talent
Loving the MySpace references. She's come a long way from singing children's songs.
2. This chick who will teach you how to scream or growl
So you can get your death metal career started. Her lessons are matter-of-fact and to the point. Don't forget to drink a sh*t ton of water, guys.
3. Anahid, an Iranian female vocalist
Covering "death metal cannibal corpse" which by the way are 4 words I hoped never to write - especially not in that order.
4. 6-Year-Old Aaralyn performing her original song, "Zombie Skin" on America's Got Talent
She's my personal favorite. Aaralyn and her brother, 9-year-old Isaiah, and will make you melt. And then will casually scream a zombie song for you. They're both stars. (And those are some pretty raw pipes for someone who has 4-8 years standing between her and puberty.) If anyone's going to convert me to death metal fandom, it's going to be these two.
And PS – Heidi Klum's reaction in that video is pretty much my reaction to everything surrounding death metal (other than the cute kids).
Images: YouTube