This Sex Toy Tracks Everything You Wanted To Know

A new wearable is on the way, and it has one awesome goal: to help you have better sex. The toy, called "Lovely," syncs to your smartphone via Bluetooth and tracks your sex life, including how many calories you burn, the number of thrusts, and even the "top speed" reached during intercourse. Using the Lovely iPhone or Android app, you can access all of this data and learn more about your sex life than you ever thought possible. Who needs the gym when Lovely can let you know that you just did the sexual equivalent of a 35-minute jog?
The one-size-fits-all silicone toy fits snugly around the base of the penis and acts as a smart cock ring of sorts, monitoring your movements during sex to gather data about your sex life. Lovely is like a robot love guru — it uses the information it gathers as well as your personal preferences to suggest 120 different sex positions, so you and your partner can have even more amazing sex. Bonus: Lovely is also a vibrator that provides stimulation during sex!
The designers stress that Lovely can be used by couples in all kinds of relationships and of all orientations. Though it is "of the utmost value when used continuously with the same partner," it's also okay to use it with more than one partner. Lovely can also be used on your fingers or at the base of another dildo or sex toy for solo use, because self-love is the best love, right?
Though the retail price for Lovely is set at $169, you can get one for only $129 by purchasing it in advance through Indiegogo. The bad news? Its estimated arrival date isn't until June 2016, so you'll have to keep having sex the old-fashioned way until then.
While you wait, here are three other apps that can improve your sex life — technology is seriously amazing.
1. iCondom
This free app, by MTV Staying Alive, is a handy user-generated map of nearby condom retailers and dispensers. For all those horrible moments when you're about to get it on, only to discover neither of you has a condom on hand, iCondom has your back. You won't be tempted to engage in unprotected sex, because nothing is hotter than being safe.
2. Kindu: Sex Ideas for Couples
If you're looking to experiment with your partner but are too shy to bring up a fantasy aloud, Kindu allows you to run ideas by them and get their feedback via the app. Think of it as a sex compatibility test: You and your partner both express whether or not you're interested in a given sexual activity, and the app tells you which ones you "matched" on. Hooray for encouraging communication!
3. iKamasutra
If you're in need of a sexy encyclopedia to keep in your pocket, look no further. For $2.99, iKamasutra provides you with seemingly endless positions to take you from "novice to kama sutra grand master." You can even filter positions by varying levels of intimacy, complexity, and strength, so you can find exactly what you're looking for in the bedroom.
Images: Lovely/Indiegogo; Giphy (3)