6 Sexting Don'ts

So you've slept with someone a few times, and now you're out with your friends. You've had a few drinks. Your phone is there, on the table, calling out to you. Do you sext them? Well, before you do, you might want to keep a few things in mind. Like the fact that 23 percent of single sexters share the messages they receive with others.
But sexting can also be lots of fun — and hot! If you do decide to sext, do it right. 69 percent of women and 51 percent of men judge a potential mate by their sentence structure (I promise, it won't kill you to spell out "you"). And a staggering 33 percent of college-age students have been involved in some form of nude texting (haven't we had enough celebrity sex tape scandals to know this is a bad idea?). If none of that turns you off, by all means, sext away. Just, you know, turn off autocorrect, and try not to be too dorky about it. Below, some examples of what NOT to do (inspired by Laura Vitto's hilarious compilation):
1. Don't use Siri
2. Sext the right person...
...and use the right number
3. Use the right name
4. Keep it sexy
5. Keep it romantic
6. And don't be afraid to get creative
Image: Jhaymesisviphotography/Flickr