Zeke Could Start A Global War On 'The Brink'

We know one thing for absolute certain thanks to HBO's new comedy series The Brink : Doing drugs and operating planes for important missions is a bad idea. This show could be taught as a lesson plan for D.A.R.E. The Brink is a political comedy that follows three different story lines as they intertwine thanks to political unrest in Pakistan. First there's Tim Robbins' over-sexed Secretary of State Walter Larson who is trying to advise the President of the United States against outwardly attacking the radical leader of Pakistan but is getting rejected at every turn. Then there's Jack Black's Alex Talbot, a low-level State Department official who has been rejected from the CIA twice and inadvertently comes across the Pakistan leader's medical history and attempts to send it to government officials despite the danger. And finally there's Pornstache-less Pablo Schreiber as Zeke Z-Pak Tilson, one of the pilots in charge of a strike in Pakistan that will almost certainly end with disastrous results now that he's realized he's taken the wrong drugs before flying. Basically thanks to some poor planning and a drug mixup, the US government could be looking at a World War 3.
Ok fine, World War 3 might be a bit of an exaggeration, but if Zeke and his fellow pilot Glenn's mission goes poorly as expected, things are not going to go well for the U.S. government. Tensions will bubble over, people will protest over the loss of liberties around the country and the world. Basically the name of the show, The Brink, is totally accurate because things are on the the brink of massive scale violence here.
This isn't the first time Zeke has taken something before flying. The pilot is introduced while talking on the phone with his ex-wife to get more "product" for his fellow military buddies, meaning he's pushing some kind of drug that helps keep pilots awake and alert on their journey. He believes he's popping a Xanax before the mission but in some kind of mixup and because he's stressed out thinking he's about to be a father by some woman on base, he mixes up the Xanax for himself and Glenn. The two are basically in the beginning stages of a trip as they fly out for their journey and as Zeke starts talking to the President about the mission. It'll be interesting to see what drug they did take and how trippy their mission is going to get.Things are not looking good, but hopefully the brink of chaos will be enjoyable to watch.
Images: Merie W. Wallace/HBO (2)