7 YouTube Fitness Channels You Have To Check Out

Between work, errands, and posting the perfect artsy photo of your coffee on Instagram, who really has time to go to the gym anymore, right? Exactly. But the great thing bout the Internet (other than the obvious — online shopping) is that you can get an intense workout without ever leaving your house. Just check out YouTube. Yes, YouTube. YouTube has a host of channels dedicated to whipping you into shape. Whether you want a peaceful yoga workout or an intense cardio routine, there is a fitness channel on YouTube dedicated to that exact style of fitness. So ditch the gym fees, and just search the Internet. What better way to get fit than to use your computer. All you need is a wifi connection, and a little bit of wiggle room.
Before you convince yourself that these workouts are way easier than heading to a class at the gym, you should be warned; YouTube fitness is no joke. Many of the channels are hosted by fitness professionals. These individuals know how to make you burn calories, and work up a sweat. You don't need any fancy equipment to get a killer workout. Just follow a few fitness tutorials, and you're on your way! So get ready to get yourself into great shape without ever having to leave your house. Here are a few of my favorite YouTube fitness channels.
1. Athlean-XX For Women
Talk about getting ripped fast! These women know how to get you fit. Whether it's quick calorie burning videos or intense muscle-building routines, the women behind this channel are professionals at getting you fit without ever stepping into a gym.
2. Yoga With Adriene
Adriene is quite possibly the Queen of Yoga on YouTube (not a bad title, right?). Her workouts are so easy to follow along. For beginners to intense yoga addicts, Adriene has a video for you. Get your yoga mat out, and get stretching!
3. BeFit
BeFit is a YouTube channel hosted by the best-of-the-best in the world of fitness. From Jillian Michaels to Jane Fonda, you'll have some of the best fitness professionals whip you into shape. There is wide variety of videos on this channel, so you'll never get bored with your at-home workout.
4. Blogilates
Cassey Ho, star and host of Blogilates, is great for introducing you to the world of online fitness. Her workout routines are easy to follow, but still have you working up a sweat. Her channel focuses on Pilates and strength-training, so get ready to work your core. These videos are perfect for everyone.
5. POPSUGAR Fitness
Looking for a fun workout? This channel is for you! With great music and fun hosts, the POPSUGAR Fitness channel will keep a smile on your face while your sweat through the pain. Get ready to shake your booty.
6. JessicaSmithTV
Jessica Smith is a total powerhouse. From ballet to cardio to kickboxing, this woman does it all! This is the perfect channel for when you want to try a new challenge. Whether you have ten minutes or an hour, she'll whip you into shape.
7. Rebekah Borucki
Lifestyle blogger, Rebekah Borucki, seems like such a sweetheart. From teaching you about healthy eating to showing you the perfect downward-dog, she has got you covered.
Images: Rebekah Borucki, Blogilates, JessicaSmithTV, POPSUGAR, BeFit, YogaWithAdriene, Athlean-XX/YouTube