'Inside Amy Schumer' Pokes Fun At Sexist Ads

Sexist advertising can be shown in the most confusing, elaborate and ridiculous ways as Amy Schumer has so cleverly pointed out. Tuesday night's Inside Amy Schumer began with a sketch involving a woman in a bathroom, cutting off her hair and bandaging a gnarly wound in a hurry as she appears to be running from something. Then all of a sudden the woman takes off the towel on her head to show a gorgeous new mane, courtesy of "Squ'oreal's Dye Another Day," a hair dye targeted to "women on the run." It's hilarious and insane but here's the thing, we see this kind of sexist advertising all the time. What woman would actually care that much about making their new hair look perfect and beautiful when they're literally dodging the cops at every corner? If the film Gone Girl proved anything outside of how creepy Neil Patrick Harris could be, it's that women on the run want to blend in as much as possible, not have a "salon quality" new mane.
But think about it, ads, films and TV shows also take women in remarkable situations and somehow still find a way to be sexist with them. Saturday Night Live perfectly spoofed the sexist football and sports ads that show women in the kitchen and men waiting for their food with their "Totino's Superbowl Activity Pack For Women" ad, then of course there are the straight up disgraceful ads involving women marketing mostly male-consumed products.
But let's not forget films like The Avengers: Age Of Ultron which got a bit sexist by taking the badass character of Black Widow and turning her storyline into a romance dilemma rather than allowing her to continue kicking ass and being a strong female center for a team of obnoxious men. Sure the storyline didn't necessarily ruin her character, but it didn't give her much else to do in the sequel. Schumer brings light to sexism in ads and beyond by showing the humor and the idiocy of it the problem, and it's yet another reason we love her.
Images: Screenshot/Comedy Central