'Between' Season 2 Has Questions To Answer

Netflix's first foray into weekly series didn't have a ton of hype behind it or garner huge reactions from Twitter. But, over the past six weeks, Between has quietly been forming a low key mystery series about a town where all of the adults over 22 start dying that wouldn't feel out of place on the CW or MTV. Since the finale will be added on June 25, the only question remaining is if there will be Between Season 2 on Netflix or not. All of Netflix's original series have been renewed, with the exception of the recently premiered Sense8, which hasn't been given a for Season 2 (yet). This high rate of renewal suggests Between has a good chance of coming back.
While Between isn't necessarily realistic (this is the type of world where all of those surviving young people are supermodels and all of the "old" people die of "coughing up blood" disease), they do make the effort to switch up some stereotypes, and I was surprised by how much I'm enjoying the performance by Jeanette McCurdy, heretofore only known from Nick show Sam and Cat with Ariana Grande. Her comedic timing makes her better at delivering some pretty silly dialogue.
However, the show could perhaps be a little more compelling if it's going to come back for a second season. The episodes feel a little scattershot, and there are a ton of unanswered questions remaining, too many to possible to answered in just one more episode, the sixth and final episode of Season 1. And, Netflix will be relying on these unanswered questions to drive interest in a potential Between Season 2. So, should it be renewed, here's what I want to know.
1. Why 22?
As Amy stated in the third episode, shortly before her own death, there's no real difference between a 21 and 22 year-old, let alone one big change that could explain why the virus doesn't affect anyone younger than that arbitrary point.
2. Who's The Villain?
The characters have been at odds before, but there's really no big baddie besides, you know, the virus. Briefly there was the idea that there might be one guy behind the disease, but there's no more evidence yet.
3. How Does The Prison Guard Fit Into Things?
Since the show is looking for a villain, she might fit the bill, even though she seems way more like a henchwoman than a mastermind. At the very least, she certainly seems to be immune to the virus, since she looks much older than 22 but isn't leaking blood.
4. What Is Ronnie Up To?
The show can't seem to decide if Ronnie is misunderstood, secretly evil, or just a misogynistic potential rapist. In some scenes, he's charming, while in others, he seems creepy. Like, he popped in to cheer up Wiley after her escape attempt with Adam, but he also was getting drugs from Lana, and his supply was just cut off, which could lead to some erratic behavior from him.
5. Is There Any Point To The Quarantine?
The fence surrounding Pretty Lake is just a normal electrical fence, but supposedly the whole place is littered with land mines?! This is of questionable legality, even in the light of a potential epidemic.
6. Why Does Everyone Keep Saying Adam Is The Smart Guy When Clearly Fran Is The Genius?
I know he's going to Stanford or whatever, but the character just stares with his mouth open at every single revelation, while she's smart, practical, and basically holds up the show along with her brother, Gord. The farm folks are smart as hell on this show. I want to see them.
7. Why Is The Show Called 'Between'???
Giving the town a name like "Pretty Lake" would seem to make that a natural title. And that hits at the one thing that makes no sense about this show: Why is it called Between? If there's going to be a second season, this show needs to embrace its dystopian roots and commit more fully to a Hunger Games-ian level of character and intrigue as the town moves forward with a population filled solely with people under 22.
Images: Ken Woroner/Netflix (7); Giphy