'Big Brother's Jason Roy Is Not Easily Intimidated

Big Brother 17 premieres on Wednesday night, and it’s shaping up to be a really interesting season. Outspoken supermarket clerk, Jason Roy will be moving into the Big Brother house and bringing some game expertise with him. According to his CBS bio, the Massachusetts native is a superfan, who has been applying for the show on and off for the past several years and seems determined to take home the $500,000 cash prize. He is also super adorable and hilarious, but his sarcastic wit proves that he's definitely no pushover.
The 25-year old describes himself in his bio as “over the top and loud,” which will probably give him quite the advantage over his housemates. Though he comes off as extremely friendly, he warns that his demeanor is a side effect of working in customer service for so long. Still, because he doesn't appear to be a physical threat, Jason may succeed in flying under the radar. It's clear that Jason is ready to move on from what he describes as his "thrilling" job as a supermarket cashier and Big Brother just might be his big break, especially if his all-female alliance pans out.
Here’s a bit more about Jason Roy, the Big Brother 17 houseguest who might just surprise everyone.
He Wants To Work With Women
Jason seems to recognize a fantastic strategy when he sees one. His plan is to team up with the ladies in order to eliminate the men.
He's Much More Than He Appears To Be
While his fellow houseguests might just see Jason as a "clown for the cameras," it's clear that he's not easily intimated. Jason just might win it all if he's able to play the game under the radar.
Jason LOVES Nicki Minaj
If Jason channels his favorite artist, he can definitely win the game.
He's Here To Win
Apparently not even Jason's own mama would be safe in the Big Brother house with him.
His Endurance Is Unmatched
Jason describes himself as a pit-bull, saying that you'll have to pry his skeleton off the ground in order for him to quit the endurance challenges.
Jason is Hilarious
He declared that being on Big Brother was the "best scratch ticket out there."
His Accent is Amazing
Jason has a total Massachusetts accent, and I just can't get enough
Images: CBS; Giphy (3)