Clay Honeycutt Is Honeyhott (SAID IT.)

Not 15 minutes into the season premiere of Big Brother 17, and we already have a fan favorite. After all, who can resist abs, an accent, and light-colored jeans? (OK, forget that last part.) There's no denying that Big Brother houseguest Clay Honeycutt is hot. Very hot. And everyone is noticing. Everyone in the house — especially 33-year-old DIY expert Shelli — thinks Clay is attractive, and everyone at home agrees. And Clay's charming personality doesn't hurt, either. The 23-year-old Dickinson, Texas native has a heart of gold. Well, at least at this point in the game he does. Who knows what these 98 days will reveal about the Mr. Honeycutt, but so far, slap me with a piece of that hay Texans keep in their mouths because, Clay's got everyone talking.
In case you needed more reason to admire Clay, his mom is a wildlife expert who helps to rehabilitate exotic animals at home on their ranch in Texas. You can't have a mom like that and turn out evil, can you? (Crap. Did I just jinx him?) He's also a recent graduate of Texas A&M, where he was on the football team. The houseguests don't know about his athletic side — Clay doesn't "want to put a target" on his back, because, hmm, I guess he sees being a football star as something houseguests might resent? I'm not sure that's the smartest strategy, but, whatever. Take off your shirt and tell us a story, Clay!
Think I'm being a bit nuts about our chiseled gentleman? I definitely am. But I'm not alone. The love for the guy is as free flowing as his gorgeous blond hair.
Those Who Love His Modeling Pics
Those Who Love Clay For Him (And By That I Mean Good Looks)
But there are two people who'll keep us straight. Clay allegedly had some problems on the field, y'all:
Those tomatoes were super slippery, huh, Clay? Awks.