10 Of The Best #UnpopularAdultFilms

The adult entertainment industry and Hollywood make for excellent bedfellows. Some of the funniest and most scathing satires of major motion pictures comes from porn – and when the material for a famous #1 blockbuster of a mainstream movie is reduced to sex, sex, sex… well, let’s just say that it’s hard not to laugh. And honestly, who among us hasn’t sat around with friends and joked about how a film like 1998’s Deep Impact would work really well as an adult film? (OK, maybe that only happened if you were a middle-school student at the time of its release. But still. The freaking title of the movie really does sound porn-ready. And it's starring ELIJAH WOOD. I mean, come on. Tell me you aren't making dirty jokes in your head after reading this.)
As it turns out, A LOT of us have these jokes on-hand. Sex is funny. Porn is funnier. And thus, the hash tag #UnpopularAdultFilms began trending on Twitter yesterday. There were a lot of hilarious riffs on the titles of some beloved classic and contemporary films. Some of the titles are old jokes, but some of them seemed more inspired by recent events.
What makes for a good movie and what makes for a better porn parody of said movie? It’s not the quality of the acting. It might be the creativity used to lampoon a famous film. A giggle-worthy title – or even a groan-worthy pun – is something that sticks with audiences. It might even inspire an impulse purchase for adult entertainment consumers. Without further ado, here are 10 of the best #UnPopularAdultFilms (including the original titles being parodied so that we can all follow the jokes):
1. The Devil Wears Prada Becomes...
2. White Men Can't Jump Becomes...
3. Guardians of the Galaxy Becomes...
4. Mean Girls Becomes...
Umm... all I can say to that is:
5. Forgetting Sarah Marshall Becomes...
6. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Becomes...
7. Footloose Becomes...
I cannot lie: all I can think about right after reading this are butts. Big, big butts. Running around. Being loose. Maybe this WOULD be a genius porn parody. Or not.
8. Eyes Wide Shut Becomes...
Actually, wasn't Eyes Wide Shut already kind of an adult movie? I remember the masked orgy and the last word of the movie being "fuck," as in, "Nicole Kidman just told Tom Cruise that the thing they must do right away is fuck, OH BOY."
9. Terminator II: Judgment Day Becomes...
Now, I know this runs counter to Arnold Schwarzenegger's PR-ready image as the former governor of California, but come on. Tell me you've never thought Arnold Schwarzenegger the actor would make a great cross-over into adult entertainment. He certainly has the body for it. And if you let him? He is ready. To pump. You. Up.
10. Maid in Manhattan Becomes...
Images: jura-photography/Pixelbay; Giphy (4, 7-9)