'True Detective' Ended In A Dangerous Place

Tell me it was all a dream, guys. Tell me it didn't actually happen. On Sunday night's second episode of True Detective Season 2, Detective Ray Velcoro was shot while investigating a secret sex house owned by murder victim and Vinci city manager Ben Caspere. Ray was given the tip about Caspere's secret house by former gangster-turned-businessman Frank, for whom the detective is working on the side. While looking around for clues, a man in the scariest bird mask on the planet shot Ray in the chest, and then again in the groin as he lay on the ground. So is this it, folks? Is Ray really dead? He did get shot in two pretty serious areas of the body. And it doesn't seem all that likely that bird mask man would just allow Ray to survive. But here's the thing, despite the fact that we haven't spent much time with Ray so far this season — aside from learning about his family background — I'm just finding it so hard to believe his life would end so quickly.
Sure, there were signs that pointed to Ray's death. Before Ray went to investigate Caspere's secret house, he talked to the waitress at his local bar about how he'll only ever get a vacation if he's dead. That scene happened just a few minutes before his possible death. His ex-wife had also already called him a bad man and is looking to sue for sole custody of their child after Ray angrily beat up the father of his son's bully. And yet, I'm still not sold on the idea that he's dead. It's Jon Snow all over again!
If we're talking in terms of the production of the show, losing Colin Farrell so early in this stage of the season would be a difficult twist in its progression. But let's put that aside. Right now, True Detective needs Ray Velcoro. He ties together the corruption of Vinci and Frank with the need for justice that Ray's new "partner" Ani definitely showcases. Plus, it seems like having a near-death experience is precisely what Ray would need to slap himself out of his downward spiral.
He could also use his near-death to turn over a new leaf with the investigation and the way. Before he was shot, Ray seemed to be second-guessing his affiliation with Frank and was seemingly more focused on his ex-wife's words about the man he was turning into in recent years. Could Ray finally want to become a better person? If so, he'll probably have to worry about his life again, as Frank won't just mess around with idle threats if Ray double-crosses him or stops doing his bidding. This will be when we have to worry about Ray's future. So is Ray really dead? With so many potential paths True Detective could take with Ray's involvement, there's no way it could kill him off this soon.
Images: Lacey Terrell/HBO