Everything To Know About Paris' New Boyfriend
There must be something really special about Paris Hilton's new boyfriend, considering his last name is (quite literally) Gross and yet she hasn't deemed him to be beneath her. In fact, the socialite seems to be pretty much head over heels for her new beau — even going as far as to Instagram a sweet photo of herself and Thomas Gross and caption the pic, simply, "Soulmates." To quote 2004 Paris Hilton, "That's hot." And it's also all kinds of adorable. Since she's clearly serious about her new man (and she's even taking him as her date to sister Nicky Hilton's wedding), there is just one question on every celeb-watcher's mind: Who exactly is Thomas Gross?
While the two have been pretty much inseparable since getting together in May (and one quick look at Hilton's Instagram will tell you how blissfully happy she is with her new guy), the "soulmates" pic is the first time the heiress shared a snap of herself with her new boyfriend on social media. As it turns out, he's much more than just Paris Hilton's new BF — in fact, he's a super rich hottie in his own right. Don't believe me? Well, just see for yourself.
1. He's worth $200 million
Lol. Like Paris Hilton would ever date someone worth any less. *hair flip emoji*
For reals though, Gross is worth an estimated $200 million according to RumorFix. He reportedly made his fortune as the founder of sports company RunningBall, which he sold to PerformGroup several years ago for a cool $150 million. No biggie.
2. His first name is Hans
Hopefully he won't turn out like the character from Frozen though.
3. He and Paris Hilton met at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2015
They've since vacationed (and kissed) pretty much everywhere.
4. And they've have been head over heels since
Paris Hilton Instagrams things like this now.
5. He's from Australia but lives in Switzerland
#JetSetLife. Also, #LifeGoals.
6. He owns a yacht
Because of course he does. And according to SuperYachtFan.com (yes, this site really exists), Gross' yacht is named Galaxy and you can rent it for $350,000 a week. The struggle is real, my friends. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL.
Images: Giphy (4)