Finally, There's A Dating App For Binge-Watchers

If you're a living, breathing human on planet Earth right now, it's likely that you regularly spend hours — or even days — holed up in your bedroom, watching Gilmore Girls or Breaking Bad until your eyeballs feel like they're going to shrivel up. One side effect of these Netflix binge-watching sessions? You might go hours at a time without interacting with other humans, which can admittedly get a little lonely, despite how much you're enjoying your favorite shows. But if you're aiming to change your isolated ways, one new dating app, Netfling, might be just the thing you've been missing in your love life.
Netfling's goal is to help you "find your perfect couch companion," because even the most hardened binge-watching veterans sometimes need another person to vent to about Serena and Dan getting back together again. The app gathers data from your Netflix account and figures out your most-watched shows and movies. Then, it presents you with a bevy of potential partners, all of whom have similar taste in pop culture.
“With binge watching TV series together now a key element of modern relationships, finding Mr. or Mrs. Right based on favorite shows could help to make the dating game a little more cozy.”
As most long-term couples will tell you, there's a special kind of bond you create when you mass-consume media together. With Netfling, you can now experience this magic even if you have yet to find bae. Ideally, the apps will aid you in your quest for love in addition to ridding you of your self-imposed loneliness. After all, is there a more honest way to get to know someone than by seeing their raw emotions on display during a particularly touching episode of Scandal?
So if you're single and ready to mingle in the comfort of your own home, consider queuing up one of these 10 shows to maximize laughs, tears, and cuddling opportunities.
1. American Horror Story
This show is basically the four-season-long equivalent of a scary movie, and who doesn't love going to see a horror flick on the first date? Prepare the popcorn and get ready to shamelessly bury your face in your partner's armpit while witnessing the awe-inspiring performances of Jessica Lange.
2. Orange Is The New Black
Equal parts hilarious and heart-wrenching, OITNB is guaranteed to create amazing conversation with your date, so you can avoid the awkward silences you might have to endure if you were simply getting coffee. What could be more fun than discussing who you'd love to share a (hypothetical) cell with?
3. Chopped
Sure, there's no plot to follow, but I can personally attest that the hours I've spent marathoning Chopped (and several other Food Network shows) have been some of the best television I've watched. It could also inspire you and your beau to whip up a culinary creation of your own when you've run out of wine and Hot Cheetos after three hours on the couch.
4. Friday Night Lights
A show about a high school football team in Texas may not sound like good first-date material, but this Emmy-winning drama is sure to suck you in before you even realize what happened. If your new Netflix-watching companion is into it, too, you'll know he or she is a keeper (though maybe not as dreamy as Tim Riggins).
5. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
If you and your date would prefer to spend your time laughing, It's Always Sunny is the perfect show to queue up. The dimwitted adventures of Dennis, Dee, and co. are unbelievably ridiculous, which just makes them all the more fun to laugh at. And if you or your date has a cat, you can amuse yourselves by forcing it to walk around in Kitten Mittens while you wait for the next episode to buffer.
6. Sense8
For those of you who gravitate toward sci-fi, Sense8 is a great show to get sucked into with someone else by your side. Plus, because the characters are from all over the world, it's kind of like taking an international vacation with your new partner, but without having to leave the house or pay for expensive airplane tickets.
7. Bob's Burgers
While it might not be the best idea to frighten your date with one of Tina's many hormone-driven witticisms, the show is definitely hilarious enough to keep you and your companion occupied well into the night.
8. Friends
This classic sitcom is lighthearted enough to watch for hours on end, though it can elicit plenty of laughs, as well as the occasional watery eye. Who knows — if you spend enough time binge-watching Friends together, your Netflix pal may become the Ross to your Rachel.
9. Arrested Development
If you're depressed that you can't be part of the Bluth family IRL, a close second is definitely cozying up to someone and watching the hilarious sitcom until your eyeballs fall out.
10. Adventure Time
Just because it originally aired on Cartoon Network doesn't mean this show isn't perfectly acceptable for two grown adults to watch on a first date. It's brilliantly funny, and each episode is short enough that you could easily watch 50 in a row before the night is over.
If you'd like to take a trip down memory lane, watch the sex myths you believed as a child below (and subscribe to Bustle's YouTube page for more videos):
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