
Cluttercore Is The Home Decor Trend That Lets You Be Messy

Introducing maximalism’s first cousin.

As a social media-obsessed society, we have collectively witnessed (and maybe even taken part in) at least a few trending home aesthetics. There was the minimalist aesthetic of 2016, which was characterized by axing the excess and putting neutral-toned simplicity first. Then there was maximalism, the polar opposite of minimalism that can best be defined by an abundance of poppy paint colors and kitschy decor. The latest to hit the hall of home decor fame? Meet maximalism’s messy-but-in-a-cute-way cousin: cluttercore.

If you’re unsure of what to make of this up-and-coming term, cluttercore is exactly what it sounds like. With the hashtag #cluttercore amassing a staggering 58.9 million views on TikTok, enthusiasts of the movement have made it clear that “mess” is more than welcome. Cluttercore is all about embracing sentimentality and creating an intentional clutter of organized chaos. In short, there is nary a corner of a cluttercore room that isn’t filled by some sort of object. Whether a room is filled to the brim with overgrown plants and stacks of old novels or stuffed animals and figurines, the key to cluttercore is displaying things (so many things) that exemplify your personality and passions.

Although the idea of stocking your room full of every item you’ve ever loved might sound like a lot, members of the cluttercore community ensure that they do indeed clean their cluttered spaces despite what most might think. Curious? Here’s a peek into the fairy-lit, fern-filled world of cluttercore. Cozy antique store vibes below:

What Is Cluttercore Home Decor?

Cluttercore is the newest home decor trend that embraces things in large quantities. There’s no real rhyme or reason — just a curated collection of any items you want out in the open. Instead of keeping collectibles stowed away so as to limit clutter, this trend takes the typically stored items and uses them as decor. Oh, and it doesn’t stop at that. Cluttercore also means stocking up on items that can appear random at first, but when displayed, add up to give off that vintage thrift store look (almost like you’re selling knickknacks because there are so many). Subscribers to the trend have used hanging houseplants, tiny toys, and wall art to make up rooms that exemplify cluttercore at its finest.

Don’t be afraid of the fact that this trend quite literally revolves around clutter. Cluttercore isn’t a free-for-all of candy bar wrappers and empty water bottles as decor, nor is it a room where you can’t even see the floor. It’s creating purposeful corners of “clutter” and combining different kinds of items for an overall aesthetic that guarantees little to no empty spaces.

Cluttercore Essentials

Are you into the cluttercore trend so much that you’re thinking of making it your own? TikTok user and cluttercore proponent Mollie Ruck (@carr0tstick on TikTok) recommends three must-haves to start off your space on a high note. You’ll need copious amounts of plants, small objects, and all the art you can get your hands on. Key word is “copious” here. Plus, the objects and art don’t even have to match perfectly. If you like the trinkets and you like the art, you’re all set to love the end result.

Probably the first of its kind, cluttercore is noteworthy in the sense that it ignores conventional ways of design and instead puts the owner of the room first. Guests will take one look at your room and instantly get to know a side of you that is usually not outwardly expressed with traditional home decor and storage. Plus, you get to be surrounded 24/7 by (more than) a few of your favorite things. If that’s not the most ideal home decor situation, then what is?