12 Short Easter Poems To Add To Your Traditions This Year
Pair your eggs and chocolate with some poetry.

On Sunday, April 17, Christians who observe Easter will do so with prayer, worship services, Easter egg hunts and probably too much chocolate. On top of the religious cause for the holiday, Easter is a time for families to come together and reconnect a few months after the Christmas season. While you and your family may celebrate with a big meal, open Easter baskets, and watch the kids search tirelessly for hidden eggs, you might want to read some festive poems on Easter Sunday.
Poets have a way of perfectly expressing the true meaning of holidays, and create work we can revisit annually on these special days. Unlike Christmas, there aren't many Easter movies that gather families around the TV for two solid hours of bonding, so a poem is a great way to acknowledge the meaning of the holiday. One way to garner the same type of holiday spirit on Easter Sunday is to read a poem to your loved ones that will invoke the meaning of the day and leave everyone in a good mood.
Here are 12 Easter poems to choose from, all of which will perfectly set the mood for your holiday gathering or allow you to personally prepare for the chocolaty treats to come:
"Easter Bunny" by Leanne Guenther
With a hip and a hop — Easter bunny won't you stop/ At my house to hide some yummy little eggs.
Then you'll jump out and run —Down the street for some fun/ Zippity quick on your fuzzy/ furry legs.
To hide treats for the others —Boys and girls — even mothers/ Treats galore packed in baskets and bright bags!
"I Feel It In The Air" by Edna Reed
I know it's Easter time again/ I feel it in the air. The breath of spring with woodsy tang/ And new life everywhere. And spring glides on with magic touch/ O'er mountain side and glen/ And wakens all the sleeping plants/ For Easter time again.
The brooklets leap from rock to rock/ As if in joyful play; The flowers peep from darkened tombs To welcome Easter Day. The birds are swinging on the boughs/ And trill in ecstasy; They seem to show the world's great joy/ Of Easter mystery.
Why should we dread the thing called death? It's just an open door/ Where all within is love and peace/ And joy forever more. "Because I live/ you too shall live/ "We hear the Savior say. Let's consecrate our lives anew/ On this glad Easter Day.
"Meeting The Easter Bunny" by Rowena Bennett
On Easter morn at early dawn/ before the cocks were crowing/ I met a bob-tail bunnykin / and asked where he was going./ "Tis in the house and out the house a-tispy, tipsy-toeing/ Tis round the house and 'bout the house a-lightly I am going."/ "But what is that of every hue you carry in your basket?"/ "Tis eggs of gold and eggs of blue; I wonder that you ask it./ Tis chocolate eggs and bonbon eggs and eggs of red and gray/ For every child in every house on bonny Easter day."/ He perked his ears and winked his eye and twitched his little nose/ He shook his tail — what tail he had — and stood up on his toes."I must be gone before the sun; the east is growing gray/ Tis almost time for bells to chime." — So he hippety-hopped away.
"Easter Love" by Joanna Fuchs
On Easter we celebrate love/ love coming down from heaven/ love blanketing the earth in a transforming embrace; unique and infinite love/ giving more than we can imagine for us/ to cleanse our sin/ a perfect sacrifice/ Lamb of God/ the walking, talking Word. He is teacher, role model, friend/ this God in human form/ dying, then rising from the dead/ proving all who believe will also rise to have eternal life/ with Him/ Lord of all. Oh, Happy, Happy Easter!
"Easter Is a Time of Love" by Nicholas Gordon
Easter is a time of love/ A time of death and pain undone/ So we may know the power of/ The love that lives in each one. Each love we feel/ unstained and free/ Redeems us — as with you and me.
"Patience" by Bobbie Katz
Chocolate Easter bunny/ In a jelly bean nest/ I'm saving you for very last/ Because I love you best. I'll only take a nibble/ From the tip of your ear/ And one bite from the other side/ So that you won't look queer. Yum, you’re so delicious!/ I didn't mean to eat/ Your chocolate tail till Tuesday./ Ooops! There go your feet!/ I wonder how your back tastes/ With all that chocolate hair. I never thought your tummy/ Was only filled with air!/ Chocolate Easter bunny In a jelly bean nest/ I'm saving you for very last/ Because I love you best.
"Some Things That Easter Brings" by Elsie Parrish
Easter duck and Easter chick/ Easter eggs with chocolate thick.
Easter hats for one and all/ Easter Bunny makes a call!
Happy Easter always brings/ Such a lot of pleasant things.
"Colouring Easter Eggs" by Sarah Benedetti
I take an egg/ All shiny white/ And then I dip/ It out of sight.
I leave it there/ Within the cup/ Then after a minute/ I pick it up.
And oh! It's a lovely/ Shade of green! The prettiest Easter egg/ I've ever seen.
"Bunnies" by Ena Hawken
Every little bunny/ Has a habit that is funny.
It doesn’t matter where he goes/ He always wrinkles up his nose.
"My Chocolate Bunny" by Suzanne Tillman
I love you chocolate bunny/ dear, I think I'll nibble on your ear./ And it won't do you any harm/ If I nibble on your arm.
I don't think anyone will know/If I nibble on your toe./ Oh, chocolate bunny/ you're so sweet/ I think I'll nibble on your feet.
You're better than an Easter Egg./ I think I'll nibble on your leg./ I love you chocolate bunny so/ Oh no! Where did my bunny go?
"An Easter Wish" by John L. Sarna
May the sun rise early and be bright on this Easter holy day...For the Lord has subdued the night and saved us from death's decay.
This day is filled with gladness, our Christ has risen from His earthy tomb. All creatures rejoice in sheer happiness...we now have hope where there once was gloom.
"Easter Day" by Oscar Wilde
The silver trumpets rang across the Dome/
The people knelt upon the ground with awe/
And borne upon the necks of men I saw/
Like some great God, the Holy Lord of Rome/
Priest-like, he wore a robe more white than foam/
And, king-like, swathed himself in royal red/
Three crowns of gold rose high upon his head/
In splendor and in light the Pope passed home/
My heart stole back across wide wastes of years/
To One who wandered by a lonely sea/
And sought in vain for any place of rest/
‘Foxes have holes, and every bird its nest/
I, only I, must wander wearily/
And bruise my feet, and drink wine salt with tears.
This article was originally published on