Social Media
Here's How To Add Links To Instagram Stories
Instagram brought the feature to all users with their latest update.

Calling all social media fiends: The latest Instagram update is here with a much-anticipated feature. On Oct. 27, Instagram announced that anyone can now add link stickers to their Instagram stories. Where before, the feature was restricted to those lucky verified users or people with over 10,000 followers, now non-influencers can add links to their Instagram stories. Rejoice!
The link sticker itself is an update on the status-y swipe up feature, which was retired in July 2021 (RIP). A bit later in the summer, Instagram tested letting anyone link out with Stickers. A spokesperson for Instagram previously told Bustle that the use of Instagram link-outs was restricted to verified users in order to prevent the spread of misinformation on the platform. With the switch to link stickers, however, the platform signaled that it was slightly more open to the idea of giving the feature to everyone. “We're also aware of the risk of bad actors, spam, and the spread of misinformation that may come up with this feature, so we're testing and watching the potential impact to better understand whether to roll out to everyone,” a spokesperson told Bustle in August 2021.
Looks like the risk was worth the benefits, in that case, because even we normies can now link out from our Instagram stories with the October 2021 update. This update for Instagram Stories is available as part of Instagram version 211.0, so make sure you are using the latest version of the app before trying this at home, kids.
How To Add Links To Instagram Stories
Want your followers to be able to explore your story on a more in-depth level? Adding a link directs users to related content from right inside the app — be it music, articles, fashion, or the inspiration for your story.
1. While Creating A Story, Select The Sticker Icon
Adding a link is easy; after you take or upload the picture you want to add to your story, click the sticker icon in the upper menu tray (the little Post-It with a smiley face on it). Navigate to the one that says “Link” with blue text.
2. Enter The Desired URL
Selecting the link icon will direct you to the "Add Link" page, and bring up the keyboard. Paste the URL for the website you want to link out to. Then, plop the sticker wherever you want on your image. (Hint: don’t cover up your delish brunch that’s supposed to be the star of the photo with a link to the recipe to make it.)
3. Share
Once the link has been entered and the story posted, whoever looks at your story can just tap the sticker to be directed to the link in-app. From there, they can choose to open the same link in their mobile web browser or save it for later.
Why Don’t I Have Link Stickers On Instagram?
Before this year, if you couldn’t link out on Instagram, it was because you weren’t verified or had fewer than 10,000 followers. Now, all you need to do is update your app. Head to the App Store or Google Play Store to make sure you have the most recent version of Instagram, and if you don’t, update it. If you still don’t see link stickers in your Instagram stories, try closing and re-opening Instagram or turning your phone on and off.
This article was originally published on