
Your Guide To Thriving During January’s Full “Wolf” Moon

A Cancer moon is all about nostalgia.

Photo taken in L'aquila, Italy
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Brace yourself for emotional impact, because the first full moon of 2022 is on its way. The January 2022 full moon coasts the skies on Jan. 17 in delicate Cancer, nudging you to face your feelings head-on. Follow these do's and don'ts to make the most out of this lunation.

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DO: Face Your Emotions

Full moons are emotionally charged by nature, being the planet that represents our moods and our inner selves. But this planet also rules sentimental Cancer, so expect your emotions to run high as you address your feelings — yes, even those tough ones.

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DON’T: Avoid Venting

Let's be real: opening up about difficult emotions feels cathartic and bottling up your upheavals makes it hard to overcome them. That's why this lunation is a great time to vent to your confidants about emotions you've been facing. Don't hold back.

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DO: Care For Your Space

The full moon is moving into the fourth house of home and family, so it's a good idea to hop on those housekeeping chores like decluttering your belongings Marie Kondo-style, organizing your closet, and adding unique accent pieces to your sanctuary.

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DON’T: Get Wrapped Up In The Past

Cancer strikes a nostalgic nerve. Since this is the first full moon of the year, it's an ideal time to make peace with your past and all that's said and done in 2021 so you can focus on the present moment.

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DO: Spend Time With Family

Cancer's brand is home and family, which is why you may feel a bit nostalgic whenever the moon is in this emotionally intuitive sign. Use this lunation to host a family outing or a movie night (Encanto, anyone?). Connect with what family means for you.

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DON’T: Get Blindsided By Emotions

While the full moon in Cancer inspires emotional reflection, try not to get lost in it — especially since the sun in hardworking Capricorn makes a conjunction aspect with power-hungry Pluto, reminding you to keep your eyes on your career goals.

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DO: Release Old Emotions

Full moons are a time of manifestation and release, making the first full moon of 2022 a good time as any to let go of the year behind you and release negativity you may be holding onto. Try making time to meditate or commence a letter-writing ritual.

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