
This Is How Marie Kondo Clears The Energy In Her Home Every Morning

The star of Netflix’s hit show Tidying Up and new series Sparking Joy shares her self-care secrets.

Marie Kondo in Netflix's 'Sparking Joy'
Chill Chat

In Chill Chat, Bustle sits down with stars to chat about all things wellness, from their ultimate workout playlists to their most reliable self-care hacks. Here, Marie Kondo reveals her morning routine and secrets for enhancing her baths and showers.

In the opening of her new Netflix series, Sparking Joy, Marie Kondo sits smiling with her eyes closed as incense glow behind her. She strikes a clear crystal quartz with a tuning fork and lets the sound float around her, cleansing the space. “I don’t usually greet the space at my house,” she admits, “but I thought that having a lot of people here for the first time might scare my house.”

The 36-year-old organizational expert and bestselling author believes there is an energy, or soul, that flows through every object in her home. Maintaining those positive vibrations has become the cornerstone of her philosophy and world-renowned KonMari tidying method, which centers on helping others find serenity and gratitude through cleaning their homes and only keeping the items that “spark joy” and happiness. In addition to offering an online tidying course, she’s broken down the method in books and on her first hit Netflix series Tidying Up.

Through Sparking Joy, which debuts Aug. 31, she’s expanding on the ways the principles of sparking joy can be applied to other life settings. Alongside interpreter Marie Iida, the three-episode series features Kondo meeting with families and encouraging them to find deeper joy in their lives and greater appreciation for the world around them through the act of tidying.

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“Tidying has always sparked joy for me,” Kondo tells Bustle. “Through this new show, I’ve extended [that love of tidying] through the home to the workplace to the community, and I’ve really seen that the magic of tidying can be expanded to so many more different aspects of our life. I was so happy to see that.”

A simple way Kondo incorporates this into her daily wellness routine is by clearing the energy in her home. “One of the things I do in the morning is to open all of the windows in my home, burn some incense, and really circulate the air inside,” she says.

Adam Rose/Netflix

With new air flowing into the space ever day, and with a must-have morning cup of matcha tea, she can comfortably embark on her mission of making the world a more joyful, tidier place. Ahead, Kondo discusses more self-care practices, tips to unwind, and her love of matcha.

What’s your go-to self-care practice?

Some of the things I do to refresh my home and living environment is to burn incense in the morning and I also like to take baths at night before bed.

Are there any particular scents you like to use?

What I’ve been loving these days, when it comes to my bath rituals [is] ... a shower head that sort of takes the hot water and really makes it into fine particles and softens the water. It’s done amazing things to my skin and my complexion so I’m loving that. I also put some Epsom salts in when I take a bath; it has a lot of magnesium, so that’s very good for the skin as well. I also mix it with lavender oil.

How do you unwind after a hectic day?

I definitely set time for myself in the morning. I take some tea time [in the morning] and also in the afternoon. It’s really a time to relax for myself. At night, when my schedule allows, I even do a little bit of a tea ceremony by myself with matcha as a form of meditation.

Do you prefer matcha over coffee?

I am absolutely for the former: matcha tea! I take it very traditionally in the Japanese tea ceremony way with a little bit of hot water and matcha. I actually have an espresso machine especially made for matcha that really grinds it very finely. It’s delicious and I love it!

What’s the best wellness advice you’ve ever received?

A lot of the advice comes from my grandfather who taught me the importance of the circulation of the body and how important it is to keep your body warm. My grandfather was a practitioner of Eastern medicine and also an acupuncturist, so he had a lot of knowledge to provide me with. He’s the one who told me about the importance of aiding your digestion, the condition of your bowel movements, and so on.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.