Here's Your Horoscope For October 2020
This month, we're called to focus on the ways that we can show up for others.

We’re constantly fascinated by what our zodiac sign says about our lives, whether it's which signs are most compatible or how each sign handles conflict in relationships. In this October 2020 Monthly horoscope, Bustle's resident astrologer, Mecca Woods, the founder of My Life Created, shares the astrological events happening this month that will affect every zodiac sign.
This month, we're called to focus less on our egos and more on the ways that we can show up for others and do our part to make the world a better place for everyone. The month opens with a super touchy full moon in aggressive Aries (Oct. 1), which could cause tempers to flare. However, this full moon pushes us to put petty arguments aside and seek out ways that we can contribute to the greater good. Come Oct. 2, love planet Venus moves into thoughtful and devoted Virgo, which encourages us to be of help or service to others and to do what we can to bring our best selves to our relationships. For some of us, Venus in Virgo will ask that we raise our relationship standards.
By Oct. 4, power-hungry Pluto ends its five-month retrograde in tough Capricorn, helping us to initiate a rebirth somewhere in our lives where things may feel dead or we've suffered a loss. Though we're not quite done with the retrogrades yet, as chatty Mercury goes retrograde in laser-focused Scorpio on Oct. 13 until Oct. 27, when Mercury dips back into fair-minded Libra. As with any Mercury retrograde it's best to double check information and travel plans, but with Mercury in Scorpio, we may need to admit a truth we've been avoiding and avoid spreading gossip. With Mercury retrograde in Libra, we may need to make amends with people we've wronged or renegotiate contracts and agreements.
On the 16th, a new moon in Libra asks us not only to envision a more optimistic future but to band together in working toward that future. That sentiment continues when Venus moves home to Libra on Oct. 27. With Venus in Libra, equality and justice are the only currencies that matter. On the 31st, we end the month with an full moon in strong-willed Taurus, which asks us to expect the unexpected and be open to change.
Happy Birthday, Scorpio!
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21-April 19)
This month asks you to focus a little less on yourself and to be more mindful of how the things you do (or don't do) affects others. That said, in what ways can you make more of a positive impact on others through your words and actions? Some tough yet vulnerable conversations (like an apology) may need to be had. In terms of your health and well-being, balance and pleasure is key. With career, a rebirth is coming.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20-May 20)
If you've been feeling run-down lately, this month helps you to bounce back physically and mentally. Your creative energy comes back full force, so dive into that creative project or outlet, get obsessed with a hobby, and make use of your talents. Doing so will be therapeutic for you. Meanwhile, it's time to bring more balance to your nutrition and your schedule. With relationships, watch for miscommunication.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Consider this a month for fine-tuning and revising, particularly when it comes to your skills, work, and managing your day-to-day affairs. Stress levels could run high, but time spent at home or with people you love will give you respite. Sprucing up your living space and making it more comfortable will help offset stress, too. Overall, you get the green light this month to focus largely on joy. Romance gets interesting.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21-July 22)
This month, you're asked to remember and acknowledge how talented you are. Not only will it help you to avoid looking outside of yourself for validation, it will help you to remember that you don't need to stick around places where you're not appreciated. You have options. You also have the right combination of charm and wit to get where you want to go. Be wary of drama with family or an ex. Upgrade your home life.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
While you don't always have to be right or get in the last word, you absolutely should stand up for what you believe in. And if there's something you've been silent on for too long, that could change this month, namely where family or a home-related matter is concerned. It's also possible that you might have to walk back some things said, but take it as a sign of growth. Financially, things improve. Big ideas need practical steps.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
You are worthy, Virgo. This is the message to keep in mind this month as your insecurities could come bubbling up. You're pushed to love everything about yourself, not just the pretty pieces. Still, this could be a good time to invest in things that make you feel good on the inside and out, while working to be more self-assured about your worth and making sure others know it. Too, keep tabs on your money and your words.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
You might find that it's better to be alone and do what makes you happy rather than being involved with people who take you for granted or consistently push your boundaries. October gives you the green light to focus on yourself for a change, as well as the opportunity to get something off your chest. A missed opportunity could also come back around, but money could be funny. Budget accordingly.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
You're called to be more intentional about the people or things that get your attention this month as not everything will be worth obsessing over. Practicing the art of detachment and objectivity will save you headaches and sleepless nights, as will leaning on your friends and community for love and support. Too, you're encouraged to work on building your spiritual muscles. Faith plus effort leads to success.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You're pushed to focus more on the long term in October rather than the short term. It's not just enough to want what you want, but you'll need to take baby steps to get there. Just be mindful of getting discouraged and giving up if things don't come together immediately. The path forward will be revealed soon enough. For now, avoid gossip and keep your eyes on your own paper. Career-wise, your hard work pays off.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Lean on others, Capricorn. This is a big theme for you this month as you're finding out that you can't do everything (nor should you) on your own. Friendships could get a bit sticky as you're called to be more direct in communicating your needs or the ways in which you need support. Meanwhile, October offers you the opportunity to take your career further than you have in a while. Be confident in what you have to offer.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
It could be easy to get sucked into petty drama and squabbles now, but this month asks you to be more discerning and grown-up about the things that you choose to respond to or speak on versus the things you don't. Practice discretion. You might find that might not be as certain about something or someone as you once were. Take it as your cue to open up to a different point of view or learn something new.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Expect to be pushed out of your comfort zone this month as you're called to open up to new people, new tastes, and new ways of doing things. What's got you by in the past won't work for you now, which is why this growth spurt is needed. Try not to fret though as confronting what scares you will give you power over it and strengthen the confidence you have in yourself. That said, don't take things at face value. Investigate further.