
Why October's Full "Blood" Moon Is Your Time To Shine

Face your fears.

The October 2021 full moon happens on October 20 – here's what to know.
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The October 2021 full blood moon will rise on Oct. 20 as it ingresses into the bold and gutsy Aries, giving the collective a loving push to face our fears and embrace life's challenges with tenacious grit. Channel your inner fearlessness with these do's and don'ts.

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What is the Full Blood Moon?

According to the Farmer's Almanac, the October full moon ushers in the ideal time for hunting ahead of the bitter winter season. Since the farmers have clear fields, they have a better view of deer, foxes, and other animals, naming it the full blood moon.

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DO: Take the Lead

This lunation is the ideal time to take initiative at work, in your relationships, or in your creative projects. Don't be afraid to use this fire sign energy to ask your crush out, plan a daring date, and play captain on your professional projects.

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DON’T: Shy Away From Competition

You may feel a little more ruthless than usual during this lunation, so embrace it. Channel your inner Olympian by inviting your friends out to play a game of your favorite sport or plan an evening inside with BFFs for a night of board games.

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DO: Finish Your Projects

The full moon marks the end of the lunar cycle, and in a symbolic way, it's the perfect time to reflect on that big project you've been working on and add those finishing touches. Forget perfection, embrace your hard work with firm confidence.

DON’T: Initiate Conflict

Emotions are heightened during the full moon, leaving most of us on edge and ready for battle. You'll want to avoid your impulse to start a fight or call out others during this lunation. Instead, reflect on your emotions and tread lightly.

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DO: Revel In Your Passions

This fire energy is a great motivator to get reacquainted with what you're most passionate about, especially as we prepare for edgy Scorpio season. This intense force is pushing you to explore the hobbies and interests that set your soul on fire.

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DON’T: Act on Impulse

It's easy to get caught up in high tensions under the full moon, especially with all the fire energy. Steer clear from acting on impassioned feelings. Instead, be mindful of your words and how you interpret the words of others.

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DO: Take Bold Risks

With the intense fire vibes given by this lunation, you're going to want to let your bold curiosity take the lead. Take up a new hobby, book a ziplining adventure, or plan a solo trip cross-country — now's the perfect time to dance outside your comfort zone.

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